Our FULLER Ancestors




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Fuller, Sebastian and new wife Elma (Ohlhausen)
Fuller, Sebastian and new wife Elma (Ohlhausen)
This is Sebastian "Babe" Fuller and his wife Elma Ohlhausen, taken on their wedding day of June 2, 1940. Likely on the Ohlhausen Farm east of Carstairs, Alberta, Canada
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: 2 Jun 1940
Fuller, Stella
Fuller, Stella
Daughter of Jesse Fuller
Owner of original: D. Black
Fuller, Stella - friends of Stella
Fuller, Stella - friends of Stella
Owner of original: D. Black
Fuller, Thomas (1822-1865)
Fuller, Thomas (1822-1865)
Owner of original: Don Fuller
Fuller, Thomas M (1822-1865) family
Fuller, Thomas M (1822-1865) family
Charles Henry, Mary Lothar Snow, Lizzie B, Thomas M, Sarah F.
Owner of original: Don Fuller
Date: 1858
Fuller, Timothy
Fuller, Timothy
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Fuller, Timothy and wife Josephine Scolastica Cratte Family
Fuller, Timothy and wife Josephine Scolastica Cratte Family
Timothy Fuller Family likely taken in Wabasha, MN
Timothy Fuller 1821-1901
wife - Josephine Scolastica Cratte 1834-1875
Henry Timothy 1855-1948
Frank 1857-
Elizabeth 1860-1920
Lenora 1861-1920
Mary Louisa 1864-
David 1866-
Charles 1868-
Rebecca 1870-
Owner of original: Ancestry
Fuller, William Burtt
Fuller, William Burtt
Fuller, William Greenleaf
Fuller, William Greenleaf
Fuller, Zilpha (Buckman)
Fuller, Zilpha (Buckman)
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: likely 1900
Fuller-Ohlhausen Family
Fuller-Ohlhausen Family
Four Generations L-R
Wilhelm Ohlhausen, Henry Ohlhausen, Elma Ohlhausen Fuller, Wayne Fuller
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1947
Fullers farm, Carbon, Alberta, Canada
Fullers farm, Carbon, Alberta, Canada
Good picture of a car they drove at the time on the Fuller Farm
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: 1918
Fullers hauling coal, about 1920
Fullers hauling coal, about 1920
Great picture of a team of horses hauling coal from the Fuller Mine.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: 1920
Geisler, Albert H.
Geisler, Albert H.
1880 - 1959
Owner of original: D. Fuller
Geisler, Ruth
Geisler, Ruth
Owner of original: D. Fuller
Getting ready for new mine system
Getting ready for new mine system
Preparing the area to add a rail spur into the Fuller Mine area after the main CPR rail line came through the valley in 1921 specifically to pick up coal from the area.
According to Babe Fuller, his father, Charles W. Fuller mortgaged the farm and used the money to build this spur off the main line in about 1921/2 and when they started mining from this new mine entrance into the Fuller mine. they found that the coal seam that existed through the old entrance did not extend to the new entrance.
The life that Charles and Grace had built over time ended and they then put their energy into the Minors Rooming House, which was run by Grace and her girls.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1921/2
Giles, Margaret (Fuller)
Giles, Margaret (Fuller)
Giles, Ross
Giles, Ross
Glen Fuller
Glen Fuller
This picture was taken after he returned from WW I and according to family sources he was never himself after the war. In those days they called it "Shell Shock".
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Grace and granddaughter Annie Grace
Grace and granddaughter Annie Grace
Grace Dechanet Fuller and her namesake "Annie Grace" daughter of Harry and Ellen "Nellie" Kyle Fuller. Aunt Nellie told me that her Mother's name was Annie and Harry's Mother was Grace.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: 1926
Grace Dechanet Fuller
Grace Dechanet Fuller
Grace was in charge of all the household duties on the farm.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Graham, 3 of the 4 Daughters of Duncan Graham
Graham, 3 of the 4 Daughters of Duncan Graham
1. Marie Elizabeth b. 1804 married Alexander Faribault
2. Lucy Nancy b. 1805 married Joseph Buisson Sr.
3. Sarah Marie b 1811 married Oliver Cratte (not in the picture)
4. Jane b 1817 married James Wells
Owner of original: Page 216 of Vol 3 of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, by O.G. Libby, editor Published, Bismarck, ND by Tribune, State Printers and Binders, 1910
Date: 1910
Graham, Anatolie 'Natalie or Nettie'
Graham, Anatolie "Natalie or Nettie"
Owner of original: Sue M.
Grahams Island State Park, Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA
Grahams Island State Park, Devils Lake, North Dakota, USA
It is widely reported in the history books of the area that Duncan Graham had a trading post on this island about 1815 and this State Park on the island is named after him.
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 1908
Grahams Island State Park, North Dakota, USA
Grahams Island State Park, North Dakota, USA
State Park named after Duncan Graham
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 1908
Guldbryllup - 50 år. 16 September 1952 === Dyrlæge Jens Eriksen og Ane 'Johanne' Jensen
Guldbryllup - 50 år. 16 September 1952 === Dyrlæge Jens Eriksen og Ane "Johanne" Jensen
Dette er et interaktivt billede - læg musens pil på et ansigt på billedet for at se navnet på den pågældende person.

GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 50 Yr. 16 September 1952 === Dyrlæge Jens Eriksen og Ane "Johanne" Jensen

This is an interactive photo - place the arrow of your mouse on a face in the picture to see the name of that person.

Owner of original: Eriksen Familie
Date: 1952
Hardisty Cemetery
Hardisty Cemetery
Hardisty, Alberta, Canada
Owner of original: JJ Reber
Date: 2011
Harry fishing
Harry fishing
Harry taking a break from his farm duties and catching supper.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Harry Fuller on the farm
Harry Fuller on the farm
Harry and his favourite horse.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Harry Fuller the farmer
Harry Fuller the farmer
Here Harry is making stooks .... a group of sheaves stood on end to dry before being picked up and fed into the thrashing machine to harvest the grain out..
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Harvest time on Fuller farm
Harvest time on Fuller farm
A very old picture
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Harvest time on the Fuller farm
Harvest time on the Fuller farm
After the sheaves of grain were dried in stooks, the sheaves were picked up by loading then into a big wagon. The wagon was then parked beside the threshing machine and a man with a pitch fork then placed each sheave of grain on a conveyer belt which fed the grain into the threshing machine. He had to be careful to feed each sheave head first into the threshing machine.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: before swathers and combines
Henning, Margo (Zidek)
Henning, Margo (Zidek)
Owner of original: Zidek Family
Herbert, Dora (Fuller)
Herbert, Dora (Fuller)
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Herbert, Nels
Herbert, Nels
Herbert, Nels and Dora (Fuller)
Herbert, Nels and Dora (Fuller)
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Herbert, Nels and Dora Fuller
Herbert, Nels and Dora Fuller
Dora Fuller and Nels Herbert on the Fuller farm about the time they were married in 1923. Nels worked in the coal mine at the time and Dora was 19 and worked with her Mom in the rooming house.
Owner of original: Herbert Family
Date: about 1923
Herbert, Nels and Dora Fuller family
Herbert, Nels and Dora Fuller family
Nels and Dora Herbert Family
Back: L. Nels, Dora
Seated: Charles Woodman Fuller
Children: L. Ray, Hans, Tillie, Leslie, Doreen
Owner of original: Herbert Family
Date: About 1935
Holtegaard er en gammel gård i Dronninglund sogn

Holtegaard is an ancient farm in the Parish of Dronninglund
Owner of original: Familie Bak
Hougaards Mølle, Vester Hassing, Denmark
Hougaards Mølle, Vester Hassing, Denmark
Hougårds Mølle blev bygget i 1656 og i fællesskab med gården Haukrog. Senere købte amtmand Tomas Fanø møllen.

For vores familie startede historien om Hougårds Mølle, da det var en del af gården, som vores oldefar [Lars Peter Eriksen] købte i 1863, og i 1864 blev han kaldt op som soldat. Vi kan følge hans eventyr gennem breve fra Dybbøl, hvor Danmark var i krig. I mellemtiden kæmpede vores oldemor [Inger Marie Ottosdatter] økonomisk for at drive gården alene. Gården, com havde navnet Hougårds Mølle, blev overtaget af vores bedstefar, dyrlæge Jens Eriksen, som havde folk til at drive gården, da han var dyrlæge for distriktet. Bedstefar Jens Eriksen havde to sønner, begge dyrlæger, men heller ikke landmænd. Gården var bare en del af vores liv, og hvor vi tilbragte mange dage og gode tider med vores bedsteforældre.

I 1946 købte Marcus Kåsgård gården og møllen og solgte den kort efter til sin søn Magnus Kåsgård, som i 1952 solgte den til Holger Badsbjerg, som drev et mønsterlandbrug I mange år.

Jeg husker tydeligt møllen, da den var i brug og ejet af Møller Madsen, der boede i et lille hjem ved siden af møllen. Nu er det væk, og kun fundamentet er tilbage og ejes af en pensioneret radiomekaniker fra Klarup.

Skrevet af Lars Eriksen, Kolding, den 22. april 2017

Hougårds Mølle [mill] was built in 1656 and in conjunction with the farm Haukrog. Later, county clerk Tomas Fanø bought the mill.

For our family, the story of Hougårds Mølle started when it was part of the farm that our great-grandfather [Lars Peter Eriksen] bought in 1863 and in 1864 he was called up as a soldier. We can follow his adventures through letters from Dybbøl, where Denmark was at war. Meanwhile our great-grandmother [Inger Marie Ottosdatter] was struggling economically, to run the farm by herself. The farm, which had the name Hougårds Mølle, was taken over by our grandfather, Veterinarian Jens Eriksen, who had people to run the farm as he was the veterinarian for the district. Grandfather Jens Eriksen had two sons, both who were veterinarians but neither were farmers. The farm was just part of our lives and where we spent many days and good times with our grandparents.
In 1946 Marcus Kåsgård bought the farm and mill and shortly afterwards sold it to his son Magnus Kåsgård, who in 1952 sold the farm to Holger Badsbjerg, who ran a model farm for many years.

I clearly remember the mill, when it was in use and owned by Møller Madsen who lived in a small home next to the mill. Now it's gone and only the foundation is left and is owned by a retiree radio mechanic from Klarup.

Written by Lars Eriksen, Kolding, April 22, 2017
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie
Hull, William
Hull, William

Major General, Senator, Governor

1753 - 1825
Owner of original: Historic Newton
Hursen, Uriah
Hursen, Uriah
1815 - 1904
Owner of original: D. Fuller
Hurson, Uriah Family Photo taken likely 14 Jan 1891
Hurson, Uriah Family Photo taken likely 14 Jan 1891
PHOTO - THIS IS AN INTERACTIVE PHOTO - place the arrow of your mouse on a face in the picture to see the name of that person


Sitting left to right
Nancy Agnes Hurson Fuller, Uriah Hurson Sr., Lydia E. Hurson Hawkins, Samuel Hawkins.

Standing left to right
Elizabeth E. Pooley Hurson, Uriah N. Hurson Jr., Mary Anne Clark Hurson, Samuel Waters Hurson, Martha E Watkins Hurson, Sylvius Hurson
Owner of original: Don Fuller
Date: Likely 14 Jan 1891
Hvorup Kirke, Aalborg Amt, Danmark
Hvorup Kirke, Aalborg Amt, Danmark
Lars Nørgaard Sørensen and Mette Marie Nielsdatter

gift i denne kirke i 1852

were married in this church in 1862
Owner of original: W Fuller
Date: 2012
Inger Marie Ottosdatter og hendes søskende med deres ægtefæller

(Inger Marie Ottosdatter and her siblings with their spouses)
Inger Marie Ottosdatter og hendes søskende med deres ægtefæller (Inger Marie Ottosdatter and her siblings with their spouses)
01: Laurette Valentine Knudsen Toft b. 1862; 02: *Jens Berthel Ottosen b. 1860; 003: *Karen Ottosdatter b. 1842; 04: *Guido Dusine Ottosdatter b. 1862; 05: Magdeline Kristoffersen b. 1847; 06:*Else Margrethe Ottosdatter b. 1848; 07: Ole Christian Olesen b. 1960; 08: *Bertelline Ottosdatter b. 1859; 09: Frederikke Larsdatter Jensen; 10: *Inger Marie Ottosdatter b. 1843; 11: *Lars Ottosen b. 1844; 12: Peder Christian Jensen; 13:Lars Peter Eriksen b. 1840; 14:*Christen Ottosen b.1846; 15: Christen Oluf Holm b. 1856; 16: Berthel Christian Ingvardsen b. 1850; 17: *Johanne Marie Ottosdatter b. 1852; 18: *Carl Jens Arenstorff Ottosen b. 1850; 19: Marie Mortensen b. 1858; *søskende (siblings)

Owner of original: Eriksen Familie
Date: Circa 1878
Jensen, Laura Katherine (Spliid)
Jensen, Laura Katherine (Spliid)
Taken from a framed picture hanging on the wall in the background of a photo of Laura's daughter - Ane "Johanne" Jensen - in Johanne's home in 1952 and is almost certainly a picture of her mother.
Owner of original: Eriksen Family
Jensen, Thomas
Jensen, Thomas
Taken from a framed picture hanging on the wall in the background of a photo of Thomas's daughter - Ane "Johanne" Jensen - in Johanne's home in 1952 and is almost certainly a picture of her father.
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie
Jerke, Elizabeth (Koenig)
Jerke, Elizabeth (Koenig)
Johnson, August
Johnson, August
Owner of original: Fuller Family
Johnson, August
Johnson, August
Owner of original: Fuller Family
Johnson, Ida (Buchholz)
Johnson, Ida (Buchholz)
Ida Johnson's Homestead was located at

The Fuller family had homesteads in Section 2
Owner of original: W Fuller
Date: 2016
Johnson, Ida (Buchholz) Homestead, Carbon, Alberta, Canada SW34-28-23-W4 Meridian
Johnson, Ida (Buchholz) Homestead, Carbon, Alberta, Canada SW34-28-23-W4 Meridian
Left to Right: Martha Emma Buchholz, (later wife of Jessie Fuller) (Girl): Blanche Cora Johnson Ida Mary Augusta (Buchholz) Johnson, (later wife of Alan Fuller) (Boy on fence): Roy Augustus Johnson (Boy standing): William (Willie) Howard Johnson
Owner of original: D Black
Date: 1905
Johnson, Ida and her son Roy
Johnson, Ida and her son Roy
This is Ida (Buchholz) Johnson (later the wife of Alan Fuller) and her son Roy
Owner of original: Fuller Family
Jones, Hobert V
Jones, Hobert V
Jones, Louise (Berry)
Jones, Louise (Berry)
Judkins, Ada Emmeline
Judkins, Ada Emmeline
Judkins, Aideline Tansey (Fuller)
Judkins, Aideline Tansey (Fuller)
Owner of original: Judkins Family
Jørgen  Jørgensen.JPG
Jørgen Jørgensen.JPG
Jøgensen, Jørgen
Owner of original: Jørgensen Family
Jørgensdatter, Maren (1783 - 1864)
Jørgensdatter, Maren (1783 - 1864)
vor Moder
Maren Jørgensdatter
i Vaaser*, Albæk sogn, a 12 de April 1783 og
i Aistrup a 11 de April 1864,
80 1/2 Aar og af Guds Naade hensad
sin Enkestand i 40 Aar.

Memorial Plaque
our Mother
Maren Jørgensdatter
in Vaaser*, Albæk parish, on 12th of April 1783 and
in Aistrup on April 11th 1864,
80 1/2 years and by the grace of God
her widowhood for 40 years.

* Byens navn kan være Voersaa
* Name of the town may be Voersaa
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie
Jørgensen, Elizabeth (Eriksen)
Jørgensen, Elizabeth (Eriksen)
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: 1920
Jørgensen, Jørgen
Jørgensen, Jørgen
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: 1920
Jørgensen, Maren Kirsten (Pedersdatter)
Jørgensen, Maren Kirsten (Pedersdatter)
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: 1906
Jørgensen, Thomas
Jørgensen, Thomas
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: 1906
Jørgensen, Thomas and Maren Petersdatter and familie
Jørgensen, Thomas and Maren Petersdatter and familie
L-R,Back: Jørgen Axelsen b.1888; Mætte Marie b. 1881; Peder b.1876; Maren Kirsten b. 1879; Jørgine b.1882.
L-R,Front: Mor, Maren Kirsten Petersen b.1846; Far, Thomas Jørgensen b.1848; Ane Elisabeth b. 1886.
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: Circa 1900
Jørgensen, Thomas and Maren Petersdatter familie - tilbage
Jørgensen, Thomas and Maren Petersdatter familie - tilbage
Cirka 1900
"Maren og Thomas Jørgensen Aistrup
børn fra venstre: Jørgen, Marie, Peder
Kirstene og Jøgine
ved sinden af Fader: Anna"
[skrevet af Else J0248rgensen Eriksen b.1917]

[Backside of picture - handwritten by Else Jørgensen Eriksen b.1917]
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: 1900
Jørgensen, Thomas and Mary (Kudlac)
Jørgensen, Thomas and Mary (Kudlac)
Saint Marys Cemetery in Strykerville, New York State
Owner of original: Jim and Elizabeth
Date: 2010
Jørgensen, Thomas b. 1848.JPG
Jørgensen, Thomas b. 1848.JPG
Jøgensen, Thomas
Owner of original: Jørgensen Family
Jørgensen, Tomas and Mary Kudlac
Jørgensen, Tomas and Mary Kudlac
Saint Marys Cemetery in Strykerville, New York State
Owner of original: Jim and Elizabeth
Date: 2010
Koenig, Gottlieb
Koenig, Gottlieb
Koenig, Jacob
Koenig, Jacob
As indicated by Nathalia Koenig Ohlhausen on the back of a picture of her grandparents.
Koenig, Justina (Wonnenberg)
Koenig, Justina (Wonnenberg)
Koenig, Katherin (Seigfied)
Koenig, Katherin (Seigfied)
As indicated by Nathalia Koenig Ohlhausen on the back of a picture of her grandparents.
Lachapelle, Alice
Lachapelle, Alice
Daughter of Isabelle, Elizabeth Cratte - by her first marriage.

Step-daughter of Alfred Déchanet
Owner of original: Fuller Family Photo
Lachapelle, Alice, 'Belle'
Lachapelle, Alice, "Belle"
Step-daughter of Alfred Déchanet
Owner of original: Fuller Family Photo
LaCroix, Sarah Cratte Wells
LaCroix, Sarah Cratte Wells
She was born: Sarah Cratte Wells
Owner of original: E. LaCroix
LaCroix, Sarah Cratte Wells
LaCroix, Sarah Cratte Wells
Immaculate Conception Mission Cemetery, Stephan, Hyde, SD, USA
Owner of original: G F Moser
Date: 2011
Larsen, Anne Catherine (Jensdatter)
Larsen, Anne Catherine (Jensdatter)
Gift med Erik Larson.

Married Erik Larson.
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie (drawing)
Date: 1858
Larsen, Erik
Larsen, Erik
Born 1802
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie (drawing)
Date: 1858
Larsen, Erik og hans kone Anne Catherine Jensdatter
Larsen, Erik og hans kone Anne Catherine Jensdatter
Erik Larsen var den foerste i denne linie af familien Eriksen da alle hans boern havde navnet 'Eriksen' hvilket var den foerste gang i Danmark's historie at folk beholdt deres efternavn.

Den første Eriksen, i vores familie, var en Larsen

Erik Larsen was the origin of this line of the family Eriksen as all his children bore the name 'Eriksen' which was the first time in the history of Denmark when people kept their last name.

The first Eriksen, in our family, was a Larsen
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie (drawing)
Date: 1858
Larson, Otto
Larson, Otto
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie
Date: Unknown
Macland, Lawrence S.
Macland, Lawrence S.
Owner of original: W L Fuller
Maloney, Cathryn
Maloney, Cathryn
Owner of original: D. Fuller
Maloney, Richard W.
Maloney, Richard W.
1855 - 1918
Owner of original: D. Fuller
McKay Thomas P.
McKay Thomas P.
Married to Belle Lachapelle
Owner of original: Fuller Family Photo
McKay, Isabelle
McKay, Isabelle
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1900
McKay, Isabelle
McKay, Isabelle
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1900
McKay, Isabelle
McKay, Isabelle
Back of Picture of Isabelle; "Love to Auntie Grace [Grace Déchanet Fuller] and ...... from Baby Isabelle. 51/2 years old
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1900
McKay, Isebelle L.
McKay, Isebelle L.
Owner of original: Fuller Family Photo
McLaughlin, Major James
McLaughlin, Major James
McLaughlin, Marie Louise (Buisson)
McLaughlin, Marie Louise (Buisson)
Wife of Major James McLaughlin
Owner of original: Library, Wabasha, MN
Mendota, Minnesota, USA
Mendota, Minnesota, USA
St Peters Church
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
Mendota, Minnesota, USA
Mendota, Minnesota, USA
St Peters Church
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
Mendota, Minnesota, USA
Mendota, Minnesota, USA
St Peters Church
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
Nellie and friend on the farm
Nellie and friend on the farm
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Newton Cemetery
Newton Cemetery
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2009
Newton Cemetery
Newton Cemetery
Newton, MA
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2009
Newton Cemetery
Newton Cemetery
Newton, Middlesex, MA
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2009
Newton Cemetery
Newton Cemetery
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2009
Nørgaard, lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Ampt
Nørgaard, lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Ampt
Kirkens optegnelser viser, at i 1905 ændrede familien deres efternavn fra Sørensen til Nørgaard (som hedder gården).

The church records show that in 1905 the family changed their last name from Sørensen to Nørgaard (which was the name of the farm).
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Ohlhausen, Henry H
Ohlhausen, Henry H

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