Matches 1 to 100 of 829
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | At the age of 23 he left Quebec to go west and was hired by the American Fur Co. for $700/yr (excluding board and room), to build traps and other tools | Crête, Etienne Olivier "Oliver" (Cratte) Sr. (I63)
2 | | Repository (R33)
3 | BIRTH NAME: Ignacy Rosochacki | Roski, Egan (I254)
4 | Birth Records; The Index of Births in Massachusetts 1876-1880, shows there were two people with the name Arthur C Fuller, born in 1880; One in Concord (Vol 314,p 98) and one in Boston (Vol 315, p 10) | Source (S56)
5 | Index based upon data collected by the Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City. Massachusetts Marriages, 1695-1910, 1921-1924 Database | Source (S70)
6 | Source of entries from Vital Records; Census data; Certificates of Death; Familysearch Material; Obituaries and Find a Grave material. | Source (S76)
7 | "Duncan Graham was one of the most remarkable persons on the list of Bishop Loras, who refers to him as Dom. Etienne Graham." | Graham, Captain Duncan (I127)
8 | "Middlesex Probate Court Records - Isaac Fuller, 1755; Number 8743" "List of children in the probate papers as of 2 April 1757, were shown as: Abijiah, Samuel, Richard, Lydia Mansfield, Presdilla, Dorothy, and Hannah Stearns." | Source (S18)
9 | "She died in 1812 at age 76" so we can calculate her birth date as 1736, we assume in Newbury, but the vital records do not show this death. | Gutterson, Mary (I5927)
10 | "Sumner Fuller: Feb 28, 1834 Received at the South Church of Andover from the West Church of Andover. Sept 11, 1836 Removed from the South Church in Andover to the 3rd Presbyterian Church of Charleston SC. Mary H (Greenleaf) Fuller: Feb 28, 1834 Received at the South Church of Andover from the West Church of Andover. July 30, 1837 Removed from the South Church in Andover to the 3rd Presbyterian Church of Charleston SC." | Fuller, Lieutenant Sumner (I57)
11 | #148 : Déchanet Constantin, propriétaire cultivateur, 38 ans, veuf #149 : Déchanet Alfred, garçon, 13 ans, vivant du travail de son père. Il n'y a pas les autres enfants. [# 148: Déchanet Constantine, ownercultivator, 38, widower # 149: Déchanet Alfred, boy, age 13, living by the work of his father. [There are no other children listed]. | Déchanet, Sébastien Constantin (I61)
12 | 'appears to be common-law' | Family: François Rignier / Jeanne Vauthier (F25)
13 | 'bourgeoise' (middle class) | Lepine, Jeanne (I6362)
14 | 'conseiller procureur du Roi au grenier à sel de Montsaugeon' [attorneyadvisor to the King's salt, Montsaugeon] | Guyot, Antoine (I6146)
15 | (or May) | Lasne, Estienne (I6544)
16 | (twin) - 1900 census say b may 1852 | Cratte, Daniel E. (I808)
17 | 15 Feb 1893 - adjudicated insane and ordered confined to Rochester alylum; 27 12 1893 - probate court to be examined for insanity; 19 July 1901 - examined by probate court and committed to the detention hospital as he developed symptoms of insanity as he has threatened to kill his family with an axe. | Fuller, Myron (I224)
18 | 16 Jun 1914-13 May 1974, Enlisted in Army 5 Feb 1943, released 21 Dec 1945 | Source (S53)
19 | 168 Alleghany Ave, Wabasha, MN 55981, United States | Repository (R5)
20 | 1720-1799 | Source (S64)
21 | 1850 Census -age =18; b. 1832 1870 Census -age =36; b. 1834 1900 Census - born Sept 1829 | Fuller, Timothy "Matt" (I817)
22 | 1860 Census, age 2 years. | Lachapelle, Sarah (I841)
23 | 1870 Census - name: Lizzie | Cratte, Lavina (I810)
24 | 1870 Census: Born: Missouri | Cratte, David (I802)
25 | 1870 Census: Name: Ann | Cratte, Martha (I815)
26 | 1870 Census: Name: David E | Cratte, Edward David (I822)
27 | 1900 census she is living with Grace and Charles Fuller in St Paul 1910 census shows 10 yrs married. | Family: Oliver Chauncy Jacobs / Agnes I. Déchanet (F477)
28 | 1910 Census has her name as Dora A | Cratte, Dora "Amilia" (I965)
29 | 1918 WW1 Draft registration, Oliver Chauncy Jacobs, Agnes I. Jacobs next of kin. | Jacobs, Oliver Chauncy (I760)
30 | 1918 WW1 draft registration. | Jacobs, Oliver Chauncy (I760)
31 | 1930 census living in Seattle, WA as a lodger. Also see City Directory for LA for 1941. | Jacobs, Oliver Chauncy (I760)
32 | 1930 Census: Hattie Knowles - Home= Head - Owned; value- $800; Radio- Yes; Farm- No; - Personal = female, white, age 63, divorced, age when married- 18; -Education = attended school since 1929 - No; able to read a write - Yes; -Occupation = Nurse; General Nurse | Judkins, Hattie Adelaide (I4709)
33 | 1930 Census: Russell Knowles - Son; - Personal = male, white, age 44, divorced, age when married- 20; -Education = attended school since 1929 - No; able to read a write - Yes; -Occupation = Labourer; Casual Labour | Knowles, Russell M. (I1789)
34 | 1940, Ward 6, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetttts, United States, Neil G. Mackinnon, 36 Canada, Edythe Mackinnon 35 Canada, Neil G. Mackinnon 0, Massachusetts. | Source (S35)
35 | 2. Else Marie Eriksen, f.24.12.1863, d.7.8.1921, overtog sammen med sin mand, Jørgen Peter Jørgensen (15.5.1863-13.4.1939) sin fars barndomshjem og blev således den sidste af slægten, der kom til at bo på Nejst. 2 Else Marie Eriksen, f.24.12.1863, d.7.8.1921, took over, with her husband, Jørgen Peter Jørgensen (15.5.1863-13.4.1939) her father's childhood home and was thus the last of the family lineage who lived on the [the farm] Nejst. | Family: Jørgen Peter Jørgensen / Else Marie Eriksen (F408)
36 | 2nd tour of duty | Fuller, Milton "Glen" (I243)
37 | 3 children died these 2 years, names not recorded. | Finot, Nicolas (I6005)
38 | 30 Apr 1887 in Concord, MA. | Source (S37)
39 | 45 years old. | Vatelet, Françoise Angélique (I7144)
40 | 6 OCTOBER 1473 DOCUMENT ( - des lettres patentes duduc de Lorraine, René II. Original Retenue de pmier huiss de salle donne a george guiot Retenue de huissier De sae po george Guiot Le VI jour doctobre mil IIII LXXIII mons S a retenu po son pmier huissier de salle george guiot aux honneurs droiz proffiz et autres emolumens aus office appt. Donne a Rozieres lan jo dessus. Mandant aux auditomes des comptes de ….. a …. Baron receveur gnallapot(?) de XX flors Transcribed (transcrit) – français (French) Retenue de premier huissier de salle donnée à George GUIOT Retenue de huissier De salle pour George Guiot Le 6ème jour d’octobre mil IIII LXXIII (1473) Monseigneur a retenu pourson premier huissier de salle George GUIOT aux honneurs droits profits et autres émoluments aux offices appointements. Doné à Rozières l’an et jour dessus. Mandant aux auditomes des comptes de … à …. (nom de famille) baron,Receveur général, l’appoint de XX (20) Florins Translated -English DOCUMENT (on-line French archives) - letters patent of the Duke ofLorraine, Rene II. Appointment - private rooms first officer - given to George GUIOT Retaining private rooms officer - George GUIOT On the 6th day of October one thousand IIII LXXIII (1473) the Duke ofLorraine chose for his private rooms bailiff honours George GUIOT withprofit rights salary and other benefits for the office. Given as of theyear and day stated above. The Receiver General is responsible for paying accounts from …… to ….(surname) Baron XX (20) Florins. NOTE : Nous ne connaissons pas le rôle exactdu Premier Huissier deSalle du Duc de Lorraine, René II, mais l'histoire nous a appris quegénéralement le Premier Huissier de Salle était un soldatchargéd'ouvrir et de fermer les portes des appartements privés à ceux quiétaient autorisés à y entrer. Nous savons que sous le règne de Louis XIV il y avait un PremierHuissier de Salle qui était également en charge des repas du Roi. Ilallait chercher un garde pour ramener la nourriture. Le Premier Huissierde Salle passait devant afin d'ouvrir les portes et il y avait d'autresgardes qui transportaient la nourriture. Dans le cas de Louis XIV, lePremier Huissier de Salle mettait et enlevait la nappe selon uncérémonial précis suivant la tradition. NOTE: We do not know the exact duties of the private rooms bailiff forthe Duke of Lorraine, Rene II, but history has taught us that generallythe private bailiff was a soldier who was in charge of opening andclosing doors of the private rooms to those who were authorized toenter. We know at the time King Louis XIV had a private rooms bailiff, who wasalso in charge of the meals for the King. He organized guards to getfood from the kitchen. The rooms bailiff was the first in a processionto open the doors for the many guards carrying the food. In the case ofLouis 14, the rooms bailiff also prepared the table by folding andunfolding the tablecloth in a precise ceremonial manner according totradition. | Guyot, Georges "Écuyer, (Knight)" (I6104)
41 | A biography of Sumner's son, William Greenleaf Fuller who was a famous American in his own right, in the 1882 'History of Gallia County' by James Averill, made the following statement, "His father Sumner Fuller was a prominent man, a graduate of Yale college, a soap and tallow chandler in Boston and Andover Massachusetts. In 1834 he met with an almost fatal accident: removed to Charleston, South Carolina, for his health, but died there in 1838. His death left his widow with the care of seven children and a small patrimony. These children are all alive, as a monument to their mother's faithfulness. She too is still living." | Fuller, Lieutenant Sumner (I57)
42 | a Building contractor, and also a Stonecutter & Architect in censusrecords ["entrepreneur en bâtiments", also "tailleur de pierres" &architecte]. | Tenaille, Silvain (I4556)
43 | a farmer | Family: Henry Perley Judkins / Sarah Farrington (F1068)
44 | A farmer on Land left to him by his father. In 1813, when he died, the Court ordered the sale of all his property to pay off his debts. However each child recieved $140 cash after all debts were paid and after his widow recieved 1/3 of the real estate as her dower rights. | Fuller, Deacon Joseph (I113)
45 | a river pilot on the Mississippi River. ||At some point in time he gave up this work and became a Deputy US Marshal in St. Paul. | Buisson, Joseph "Joe" (Captain) Jr. (I777)
46 | About 17 January 1876 his sons moved his body to the Riverside cemetery. At some time after that he was moved a second time to St Felix Cemetery, Wabasha, MN, where he has an individual stone in the Buisson Family Plot. | Buisson, Joseph Sr. (I766)
47 | accessed in April, 2010. | Source (S103)
48 | According to his daughter Lucy's birth record || a rafts man. During this period of time the Mississippi River was the highway of the USA Midwest and Wabasha was a center for this activity. There was a grain rolling mill in town as well as a lumber mill and the steam ships moved cargo and pushed booms of lumber up and down the river. The people who worked in this industry on the river were called rafts men. | Déchanet, Pierre "Alfred" (I30)
49 | Accupation: Painter | Greenleaf, Josiah (I5924)
50 | Achieved the rank of 'Ensign' by 1750 (Junior military rank) | Fuller, Ensign Josiah Sr. (I13)
51 | Acquirer since 1560 of many lands in Villegusien, St Michel, Prangey,Cohon, Heuilley-Cotton, Heuilley-le-Grand, etc ... | Guyot, Claude (I6099)
52 | Act of sharing of his properties between his children. | Guyot, Claude (I6099)
53 | Adopted | Weber, Knoute Rockne "Rocky" (I1577)
54 | After meeting Elma Ohlhausen in 1938, Babe wanted 'something better' and searched the area to find a place where he could open his own business. In Dec. 1939 he moved into the barbershop and pool hall that had been empty in Rockyford and although the war was just starting, he rented the building and contents which he eventually purchased. He found a very small one room house and started the hard work of fixing both the business and house while getting the business up and running. He did not tell anyone that he was getting married the following June. The "Shop" had 3 barber chairs in the front and 4 pool tables in the back. Babe had to work long hours because the pool hall was open late in the evening and the barbershop was going all day and all evening. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)
55 | After school and during this time Babe worked in the Caol mine and also worked out as a farm hand during harvest as far away as Medicine Hat, AB. Babe's job at the mine was to drive a team of ponies pulling empty coal cars into the mine, dropping one off in each room and then pulling the little cars full of coal back out of the mine. Babe said the he was never injured in the mine, the ponies were smart and kept him safe. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)
56 | after __ ___ 1909 | Pedersen, Lars (I197)
57 | Afterthe 1812 war he was initially barred from entering the USA. | Graham, Captain Duncan (I127)
58 | Agdruphørte ved enevældens indførelse under kronen, var en avlsgård underSønder Elkærfra1665til1873. Gården ligger iSulsted Sogn,Kær Herred,Ålborg Amti Vendsyssel og Aalborg Kommune. Hovedbygningen er opført i1845. (wiki) Er war Fæster. Agdrup, a farm which originated during the absolute monarchy under the crown of Sonder Elkær from 1665 to 1873. The farm is located in Sulsted Parish, Kær District, County of Aalborg in Vendsyssel and Aalborg. The main building was built in 1845. (wiki) He was a tennant farmer. | Kjærulf, Peder Jørgensen (I1678)
59 | Age 29 when married. | Déchanet, Anne Reine (I8068)
60 | age 30, b Oct 1869, Canada, Painter, with wife & 2 boys. Living next door to the Poole's. | Vaughan, Walter Rudolph (I11)
61 | age 5 weeks. | Finot, Pierre François (I6253)
62 | Age 54 years. | Déchanet, Anne (I8090)
63 | age 55. | Newton, Elias (I5997)
64 | age 9 yrs. | Fuller, George Lawrence (I223)
65 | Alfred entered the American Civil War when he enlisted as a Private in Company "I" of the First Regiment of Minnesota Volunteers, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division | Déchanet, Pierre "Alfred" (I30)
66 | alive in Dec 1936 in Seattle, acc. to sons obit. | Wells, Agnes Bernadette (I976)
67 | along with Joseph Buisson laid out the streets and lots and created the original town plat for the town of Wabasha, MN. | Crête, Etienne Olivier "Oliver" (Cratte) Sr. (I63)
68 | Also Census April 9, 1910 same place - no children shown. 1920 census her silster Melissa Gordon is living with this family. | Fuller, Millie E. (I5853)
69 | Ancestry,com. New Hampshire, Marriage and Divorce Records, 1659-1947 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2013. | Source (S60)
70 | Ancestry.Com; Ireland, Civil Registration Marriages Index, 1845-1958 | Source (S58)
71 | Ancestry.Com; Michigan, Death Records, 1867-1952 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015. | Source (S59)
72 | and became an ancient chief of the Mdewakantons. | Shooter, Pine Chief (I133)
73 | and his family were Episcopalians and for many years he was a faithful Peoples Warden of the Grace Memorial Church in Wabasha. | Buisson, Joseph "Joe" (Captain) Jr. (I777)
74 | and was in the Order of Dominican Sisters. | Fredette, Mary Ida (I4420)
75 | Anders Jensen 1763 – 1829 boede først i København, men i 1805 købte han Holtet af sin ældre bror og flyttede tilbage dertil. Han var gift med Mette Mortensdatter ca.1765 – 1816 og fik med hende fem børn: Jens Christian Andersen, f.23.3.1799 i Kbh., d.13.11.1876 Martin Frederik Andersen, i Kbh. Christiane Andersen, f.27.10.1805 Kirsten Andersen, f.17.3.1807, d.før 1816 Mads Peder Andersen, f.24.2.1811 Da Mette døde i 1816, var det mindste barn kun fem år, og Anders giftede sig igen. Vi får lidt af et tidsbillede, når vi ser på den udførlige bo-opgørelse, som blev foretaget ved hendes død. Der var bilæggerovn, spinderok og væv. Der var kobber- og messing ting, fade af tin og tallerkener af tin eller stentøj, mens kun tekopper var af porcelæn. Hun havde brugt fiskebens snøreliv, og til fint brug havde hun haft en blå atlaskes pels med hue. - Også inventar, landbrugsredskaber og dyr blev opregnet i boet, som alt i alt blev opgjort til knapt 2300 rigsdaler. Anders Jensens anden kone var Margrethe Pedersdatter 1765 - 18?? Hun var altså jævnaldrende med hans første kone og var ligesom Anders i 50'erne, da de blev gift. De fik da heller ingen fælles børn. I 1829 overgik Holtet til den ældste af sønnerne, og der blev oprettet en aftægtskontrakt, hvor det nøje blev bestemt, hvor meget korn, flæsk, kød, mælk, ost og brændevin sønnen skulle give Anders og Margrethe om året. Anders døde samme år. Hvor længe Margrethe levede, vides ikke. | Jensen, Anders (I153)
76 | Anders som herredsfoged 1485 – 1494 Anders was a District Judge between 1485 - 1494 | Kjærulf, Anders Andersen (I1684)
77 | Anders Ulv i Fogedgaard, Vadum [Vadum Sogn, Kær Herred, Aalborg Amt] fik 1420 af kong Erik af Pommern Navnet Kjærulv (Kjærulf). Anders Ulv from the farm Fogedgaard, Vadum [Vadum Parish, Kær District, Aalborg County] was in 1420 given the name Kjærulv (Kjærulf) by King Eric of Pomerania. | Ulv, Anders (I1687)
78 | Anders var herredsfoged i Kjær herred. Ejede Fogedgaard, Øster Aslund m.m. i gods Kjær og Hvetbo herreder [Aalborg Amt]. Anders was a District Judge in Kjær district. Owned the farms: Fogedgaard, East Aslund, and others in Kjær and Hvetbo Districts [Aalborg Amt]. | Kjærulf, Anders Andersen (I1686)
79 | Andover Births, Page 169: Fuller, Charles Austin, s. Sumner, bp. July 6, 1834. C.R. 2. Andover Deaths, Page 449: Fuller,____, ch, Sumner, April 5, 1835, a. 15 m. C.R. 2. We can therefore assume that he was born in January, 1834 | Fuller, Charles Austin (I4594)
80 | Andres Jensen 1763 – 1829 first lived in Copenhagen , but in 1805 he bought the farm, Holtet from his older brother and moved back there. He was married Mette Mortensdatter ca.1765 – 1816 and had with her five children : Jens Christian Andersen, b.23.3.1799 in Copenhagen, d.13.11.1876 Martin Frederik Andersen, in Copenhagen Christiane Andersen, b.27.10.1805 Kirsten Andersen, b.17.3.1807, d. before 1816 Mads Peder Andersen, b.24.2.1811 When Mette died in 1816, the youngest child was only five years and Anders remarried. We get a bit of the history, when we look at the detailed housing inventory that was made upon her death. There was an oven, spinning wheel and tissues. There were copper and brass items, dishes of pewter and pewter plates, stoneware, while only teacups were porcelain. She had used a fishbone corset for fine use, she had a blue satin coat and hat. Also furniture, farm implements and animals were listed in the estate , which all in all was estimated at just under 2300 rigsdaler . Andres Jensen's second wife was Margrethe Pedersdatter 1765-18 ?. She was the same age as his first wife and was like Anders in her 50s when they were married. They were then no children. In 1829 they passed the farm, Holtet to the eldest son, and the creation of a contract carefully determined how much cereal, bacon, meat, milk, cheese and brandy the son should give Anders and Margaret each year. Anders died the same year. How long Margrethe lived is not known. | Jensen, Anders (I153)
81 | Archives for Canada, including War Records at | Repository (R12)
82 | Army Trial | Fuller, Rev. Pulaski "Woodman" (I28)
83 | as a 20 year old labourer living in a French household along with a Peter (Pierre) Dechanet who is listed as a 60 year old physician. Originally we thought this Peter may be his father, however we now know this not to be true because we found his birth record in France. Alfred's sister, Asulite, married Nicholus Guyot on 26 May 1859 in this same county of Hancock and likely the town of Findlay, Ohio. | Déchanet, Pierre "Alfred" (I30)
84 | ashes buried near the lake | Herbert, Charles Raymond "Ray" (I334)
85 | Ashes spread at see (Pacific Ocean) | Anderson, Isabel (I2211)
86 | Assume Anna gave her first two children her maiden name | Marik, Anna (I2337)
87 | assumed place. | Guyot, Claude (I6099)
88 | at about age 65. | Reedy, James Edward (I582)
89 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: B.J. Chase / K.J. Ridley (F1104)
90 | At the age of 14 he emigrated from the Le Havre France, on the Samuel M. Fox arriving || Nicolas Guyot age 20, who will later show up as the husband of his sister, Asulite, was also on this ship. | Déchanet, Pierre "Alfred" (I30)
91 | At the corner of Old Winthrop Rd. and Fairbanks Rd. | Repository (R45)
92 | at the home of Oliver Cratte and was performed by Lawrence Taliafero (Indian Agent). | Family: James "Bully" Wells / Jane Graham (F478)
93 | At the time of the marriage her name was Elsie M. Miller. They divorced in 1951. | Family: William Walter Cratte, Jr. / Elsie Elizabeth Uttke (F745)
94 | At the time, Calgary was part of the Northwest Territories as Alberta did not become a province until 1 Sept 1905. | Fuller, Dora (I246)
95 | Babe and Jack Balderson were in the same class and they rode their horses to school until 1929. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)
96 | Babe bought the barbershop equipment from the owner in Calgary for $120 and moved back to Carbon where he set up a barber shop in town. This did not work out so he moved to East Coulee and set up shop which again did not work so he moved back to Carbon and worked in the mine driving ponies for $4.50 per day, which was a good wage during the depression of the 1930s.For the next while, Babe had a small barber shop, worked in the mine and lived in a rooming house with brother Ralph and they ate at the local Chinese restaurant. The purchased barbershop equipment consisted of: one Barber Chair; one large and one small mirror; one wash basin and fittings; one table; one settee and all the goods except one arm chair and barber tools, situated at 900-9th Ave East, Calgary. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)
97 | Babe had major back problems thoughout his life with several surgeries and later developed rheumatoid arthritis and had several joints replaced. Babe's mother died of diabetes and later on gave himself insulin shots. He survived two heart attaches several years before he died. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)
98 | Babe had rented the resaurant for and Elma took a hair dressing course and they rented a smaller builting on main street and opened a Barber shop and Hair dressing and worked together there until Elma was struck down with a brain aneurism where she spent a year in the hospital-rehabilitation. Elma did come home after that but was never the same person, but they managed as best they could for some years. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)
99 | Babe received a Diploma from Dominion Trade Schools stating that he had "Served five months training in Barbering". He then rented a fully equipped barber shop at 900, 9th Ave East, Calgary and even though each month he paid $5 Rent, $1 water & gas and $1 electrical, he could not make a living. This was the depression years and he once took a street car ticket, a postage stamp and 3 pennies for a haircut. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)
100 | Babe was a member of the Free Masons of Alberta and worked his way through the various levels and was Master of the Rockyford Lodge 1963-1971 and District Deputy Grand Master 1973-74. He was an active member until he died and received his 50 year jewel 12 Oct. 1994. Babe requested and received a Free Masons Funeral Service after the regular church service. | Fuller, Sebastian "Babe" (I248)