Our FULLER Ancestors




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Ohlhausen, Louise (Tetzlaff)
Ohlhausen, Louise (Tetzlaff)
Ohlhausen, Nathalia (Koenig)
Ohlhausen, Nathalia (Koenig)
Ohlhausen, Wilhelm
Ohlhausen, Wilhelm
Old Fuller Coal Mine after rail spur and Fuller Rooming House can be seen on the flats
Old Fuller Coal Mine after rail spur and Fuller Rooming House can be seen on the flats
This is a picture of the new entrance to the Fuller mine after the rail spur was functional.
Also you can see the two story building in the background. This was the Fuller Rooming House where Grace and her girls ran a complete rooming house with rooms and meals for the local miners. The Fuller family members that ere still at home, ate their meals here and during some of the time may have stayed here as well.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1921/22
Old Fuller Mine after rail spur
Old Fuller Mine after rail spur
Picture shows the Fuller Mine after the rail spur was added.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Old Fuller mine after the rail spur was built
Old Fuller mine after the rail spur was built
Another picture of the Fuller Mine after the rail spur was added.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Old Fuller mine area in 2010
Old Fuller mine area in 2010
Owner of original: W Fuller
Date: 2010
Olle and Babe Fuller on the farm
Olle and Babe Fuller on the farm
Ollie and Babe were the two youngest boys and spent a lot of time together.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: 1927
Olle and his chickens
Olle and his chickens
Babe Fuller commented that Ollie loved looking after the chickens and he treated it as not just a job but it became his passion and I am sure that the family got more eggs each day because of it.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Ottosen, Jens Berthel Familien-March 5, 1913 Sandsynligvis (likely) Holtegaard, DK
Ottosen, Jens Berthel Familien-March 5, 1913 Sandsynligvis (likely) Holtegaard, DK
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Dette bryllpsfoto blev taget dagen efter Maren Mette Ottosens ægteskab og alle Jens Berthels børn er til stede undtagen Henning sammen med fætre og familie klædt i deres bryllupsdragter og kjoler.

På første række ser man Niels Larsen Ottosen, ukendte*, unkendte.
På anden række Otto Holt Ottosen, ukendt, Anne Mette Ottosen, Maren Mette Ottosen, Helene Lone Ottosen
På sidste række Jens Karl Ottosen, Knud Toft Ottosen, ukendt.

This is an interactive photo - place the arrow of your mouse on a face in the picture to see the name of that person - only on those people we know.

This wedding photo was taken the day after the marriage of Maren Mette Ottosen and all of Jens Berthel's children are present, except Henning, along with cousins and family dressed in their wedding suits and dresses.

In the front row you see Niels Larsen Ottosen, unknown*, unknown.
In the second row Otto Holt Ottosen, unknown, Anne Mette Ottosen, Maren Mette Ottosen, Helene Lone Ottosen
In the last row Jens Karl Ottosen, Knud Toft Ottosen, unknown.

*Måske Ane Kirstine Knudsen Toft, der boede i Nørresundby f. 22. september 1848 d. 20. juni 1922, søster til Laurette Toft Ottosen, og blev kendt af familien som 'Tante Stine'. Maren Mette Ottosen (bruden) boede tilsyneladende hos Tante Stine på et tidspunkt.

*Perhaps Ane Kirstine Knudsen Toft, who lived in Nørresundby b. 22 Sept 1848 d. 20 June 1922, sister of Laurette Toft Ottosen, and was known to the family as ‘Tante Stine’. Maren Mette Ottosen (the bride) apparently lived with Tante Stine at some point.
Owner of original: Dronninglund Arkiv
Date: 1913
Ottosen-Holtegaard Familie Foto

Amkring Circa 1925, Skansehuset, Nørresundby
Ottosen-Holtegaard Familie Foto Amkring Circa 1925, Skansehuset, Nørresundby
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Siddende Forreste række fra venstre

1. Lars Nejsig Larsen, b. 1904; barnebarn af Johanne Marie Ottosdatter b. 1852, Holtegaard
2. Peder Christian Jensen, b. 1833; gift med Karen Ottosdatter 1842-1916, Holtegaard
3. Jens Berthel Ottosen, b. 1860, Holtegaard
4. Ukendt bedstemor
5. Carl Jens Arenstorff Ottosen, b. 1850, Holtegaard
6. Guido Dunsine Ottosdatter, b. 1862, Holtegaard
7. Johanne Marie Ottosdatter, b. 1852, Holtegaard
8. Marie Mortensen b. 1858, V. Hassing; gift med Carl Jens Arenstorff Ottosen, b. 1850, Holtegaard

This is an interactive photo - place the arrow of your mouse on a face in the picture to see the name of that person - only on those people we know.

Seated Front row from left

1. Lars Nejsig Larsen, b. 1904; grandchild of Johanne Marie Ottosdatter b. 1852, Holtegaard
2. Peder Christian Jensen, b. 1833; husband of Karen Ottosdatter 1842-1916, Holtegaard
3. Jens Berthel Ottosen, b. 1860, Holtegaard
4. Unknown grandmother
5. Carl Jens Arenstorff Ottosen, b. 1850, Holtegaard
6. Guido Dunsine Ottosdatter, b. 1862, Holtegaard
7. Johanne Marie Ottosdatter, b. 1852, Holtegaard
8. Marie Mortensen b. 1858, V. Hassing; wife of Carl Jens Arenstorff Ottosen, b. 1850, Holtegaard
Owner of original: Lars Eriksen
Date: about 1925
Perkins, Polly
Perkins, Polly
Owner of original: Ancestry
Plowing a field
Plowing a field
This is a very early old tractor pulling a plow and likely "breaking" a field from the original grassland to a plowed field so that grain could be grown.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: early 1900s
Ralph in Calgary Stampede
Ralph in Calgary Stampede
Here Ralph is riding in the Calgary Stampede Parade and I am sure the city folk found this part of the wild west fascinating. Ralph was always clowning around.

The building in the background is still there on 8th Ave and 2nd Street SW, Calgary in 2021 ...... it is the JSS Barristers Building.
The parade at that time or whatever event Ralph is performing for, was on 8th Ave at that time.
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1924
Ralph with Raymond Vaughan (Blond) and Charles Fuller (Nellie)
Ralph with Raymond Vaughan (Blond) and Charles Fuller (Nellie)
Raymond Vaughan was the son of Belle and Jack Vaughan, who died in a gun accident when he was very small.
Charles Fuller was the son of Harry and Nellie Fuller, who grew up to have a family of his own
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Richards, Ann Maria (Fuller)
Richards, Ann Maria (Fuller)
Ann "Maria" Fuller Richards and Lewis Chandler Berry
Owner of original: R Berry, Maine, USA
Date: 1898
Richards, Ann Marie (Fuller)
Richards, Ann Marie (Fuller)
Richards, Daniel Willard
Richards, Daniel Willard
Owner of original: D. Fuller
Richards, Drusilla
Richards, Drusilla
Richards, Frank
Richards, Frank
Richards, Fred
Richards, Fred
Richards, John
Richards, John
Richards, Martha
Richards, Martha
Richards, Nettie
Richards, Nettie
Richards, Sarah (Vodden)
Richards, Sarah (Vodden)
Owner of original: D. Fuller
Richards, William
Richards, William
Roski, Harriet (Fuller)
Roski, Harriet (Fuller)
Harriet, Louise, Margaret and Catherine Roski
Owner of original: Fuller Family Photo
Date: about 1935
Smith, Catherine
Smith, Catherine
Born Catherine Fuller 1770-1853

Catherine Smith
died Feb. 22
Aged 82 Yrs.
Owner of original: W L Fuller
Date: 2008
St Catherinæ Kirke, Hjørring, Danmark
St Catherinæ Kirke, Hjørring, Danmark
Jørgen Jørgensen og Elisabeth Eriksen var gift i denne kirke i 1915

Jørgen Jørgensen and Elisabeth Eriksen were married in this church in 1915
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
St Felix Cemetery
St Felix Cemetery
Official Interment Board displaying all burials at the cemetery along with the plot and date information
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
St Felix Cemetery
St Felix Cemetery
General Cemetery Photo
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
St Felix Cemetery
St Felix Cemetery
General Cemetery Photo
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
St Felix Cemetery
St Felix Cemetery
General Cemetery Photo
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 1908
St Felix Church, Wabasha, Minnesota, USA
St Felix Church, Wabasha, Minnesota, USA
Cratte Family Church for many generations
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
St Felix Church, Wabasha, Minnesota, USA
St Felix Church, Wabasha, Minnesota, USA
Family Baptism, Marriage and Burial Records found at this church
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
Sørensen, Lars
Sørensen, Lars
Farm - Nørgaard
Owner of original: Eriksen Familie
Sørensen, Lars Nørgaard og Kone Mette Marie
Sørensen, Lars Nørgaard og Kone Mette Marie
Lars Nørgaard Sørensen and wife Mette Marie
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Sørensen, Lars Nørgaard og Kone Mette Marie, tilbage
Sørensen, Lars Nørgaard og Kone Mette Marie, tilbage
The back of the picture of Lars Nørgaard Sørensen and his wife Mette Marie Nielsdatter
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Sørensen, Mette Marie (Nielsdatter)
Sørensen, Mette Marie (Nielsdatter)
Owner of original: Jørgensen Family
Sørensen, Niels Nørgaard
Sørensen, Niels Nørgaard
Efternavn ændret til Nørgaard i 1905

Family name changed to Nørgaard in 1905
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: 1917
Sørensen, Sørine Margreth 'Grethe'
Sørensen, Sørine Margreth "Grethe"
Owner of original: Jørgensen Familie
Date: 1917
Tufts, Dana Augustus
Tufts, Dana Augustus
Vaughan, Belle (Fuller)
Vaughan, Belle (Fuller)
Vaughan, Jack
Vaughan, Jack
Vaughan, Jack and Belle (Fuller)
Vaughan, Jack and Belle (Fuller)
Wedding Picture

June 21, 1927

The third person in the picture is Mary Violet Balderson b. 1909 and from Amos LeRoy Balderson's first Marriage to Mary Violet Sales - per Jack Balderson (his 1/2 sister and the Bride's cousin)
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: 1927
Vaughan, Jack and Belle Fuller
Vaughan, Jack and Belle Fuller
Owner of original: Vaughan Family
Date: about 1960
Wabasha, Napoleon
Wabasha, Napoleon
Owner of original: Sue M.
Wade, Agnes Jane 'Jennie' (nee: Furman)
Wade, Agnes Jane "Jennie" (nee: Furman)
Born, 21 Jan 1837, Monroe, NYO, USA
Died, 26 Jan 1914, Carbon, Alberta, Canada
Owner of original: Vicki Michalski, Maryland, USA
Wade, Harriet Amelia
Wade, Harriet Amelia
Picture taken by J.A. Johnson
Sauk Centre, MN, USA

The back of the picture clearly shows the name: Wade and the the picture was found in the effects of Stella Fuller Black
Owner of original: D. Black
Date: about 1880
Wade, Harriet Amelia
Wade, Harriet Amelia
Picture taken by J.A. Johnson
Sauk Centre, MN, USA

The back of the picture clearly shows the name: Wade and the the picture was found in the effects of Stella Fuller Black
Owner of original: D. Black
Date: about 1880
Ward Family Section
Ward Family Section
East Parish Buying Ground, Newton, MA
Owner of original: W L Fuller
Date: 2009
Ward, Frank
Ward, Frank
Ward, Frank and Grace Vaughan
Ward, Frank and Grace Vaughan
Wedding Picture, 31 May 1947
Owner of original: Ward Family
Date: 1947
Ward, Grace (Vaughan)
Ward, Grace (Vaughan)
Wells, James 'Bully'
Wells, James "Bully"
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
Wells, Jane (Graham)
Wells, Jane (Graham)
Daughter of Duncan Graham and wife of James Wells
Owner of original: W Fuller
Date: 2008
Wells, Philip Faribault
Wells, Philip Faribault
Son of James Wells
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
Wells, William 'Wallace'
Wells, William "Wallace"
Son of James Wells
Owner of original: Wayne Fuller
Date: 2008
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
Owner of original: W L Fuller
Date: 2008
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
Owner of original: W L Fuller
Date: 2008
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
Owner of original: W L Fuller
Date: 2008
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
West Parish Burying Ground, Newton, MA, USA
Owner of original: W L Fuller
Date: 2008
Wonnenberg, Wilhelmina (Bauch)
Wonnenberg, Wilhelmina (Bauch)
Working on the mine area - new railway spur line
Working on the mine area - new railway spur line
Owner of original: Babe Fuller
Date: about 1921/2
Young, Daisy Fern
Young, Daisy Fern

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