Sources |
- [S216] udarbejdet af [Author]: Lars Eriksen, Eriksen Familie Historie - Eriksen Family History, (Publisher: Lars Eriksen, Grandrup, Danmark, 1997), Maren Spliid, f.11.3.1872, d.16.7.1951. Hun blev bosat i USA, hvor hun var gift med Axel Wikstrøm, f.16.2.1879 i Sverige, d.16.5.1955. De fik to børn, begge bosat i USA:
a. Ruth Ingeborg Wikstrøm, f.l3.8.1913, som blev g.m.Clyde Ryker
b. Paul Victor Wikstrøm, f.29.10.1914
Maren Spliid, f.11.3.1872, d.16.7.1951. She was residing in the United States, where she was married to Axel Wikstrøm, f.16.2.1879 in Sweden, d.16.5.1955. They had two children, both residing in the United States:
a Ruth Ingeborg Wikstrøm, f.l3.8.1913 who was married to Clyde Ryker
b Paul Victor Wikstrøm, f.29.10.1914; Ful-DK, page 2-41, Ful-DK.