Our FULLER Ancestors


Inger Kirstine Hougaard

Female 1919 - 2017  (97 years)

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  • Name Inger Kirstine Hougaard  [1
    Birth 06 Dec 1919  Vester Hassing, Vester Hassing Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Gender Female 
    Name Abt 1940  [3
    Inger Kirstine Klaudi 
    Reference Number 1673 
    Reference Number Ful-DK 
    Death 16 Mar 2017  Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Burial Clipperton Cemetery, Middlesex, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Person ID I1673  fullereriksen
    Last Modified 25 Oct 2020 

    Father Johannes Hougaard,   b. 20 Dec 1885, Hougaardsminde, Vester Hassing Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1973, Vester Hassing, Vester Hassing Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 87 years) 
    Mother Ottilia Jensine Eriksen,   b. 27 Feb 1875, Hougaards Mølle, Vester Hassing Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1946, Vester Hassing, Vester Hassing Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years) 
    Marriage 1911  Vester Hassing, Vester Hassing Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Family ID F125  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Christian Albert Klaudi,   b. 22 Oct 1919, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1980, Kitchner, Ontario, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 60 years) 
    Marriage Abt 1940  [3
    Family ID F748  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 5 Jul 2024 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 06 Dec 1919 - Vester Hassing, Vester Hassing Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 16 Mar 2017 - Ontario, Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S216] udarbejdet af [Author]: Lars Eriksen, Eriksen Familie Historie - Eriksen Family History, (Publisher: Lars Eriksen, Grandrup, Danmark, 1997), Ful-DK, p 2-29, Ful-DK.

    2. [S216] udarbejdet af [Author]: Lars Eriksen, Eriksen Familie Historie - Eriksen Family History, (Publisher: Lars Eriksen, Grandrup, Danmark, 1997), Inger Kirstine Hougaard, f.6.12.1919. Hun blev gift med Christian Albert Klaudi, f.22.10.1919, som var landmand, men gik over i forskellige andre erhverv og udvandrede til Amerika med kone og fem børn:
      Inger blev skilt fra sin mand, men blev ligesom resten af familien boende i Canada. Hun har v ret hjemme på besøg, bl.a. da onkel Johannes døde, ligesom et par af pigerne har været her.

      Inger Kirstine Hougaard, f.6.12.1919. She married Christian Albert Klaudi, f.22.10.1919 who was a farmer, but tried various other professions and emigrated to Canada with his wife and five children:
      Inge divorced from her husband, but like the rest of her family continues living in Canada. She was right at home on visits, including after Uncle Johannes died, a few of their girls have visited Denmark.; Ful-DK, p 2-29, Ful-DK.

    3. [S216] udarbejdet af [Author]: Lars Eriksen, Eriksen Familie Historie - Eriksen Family History, (Publisher: Lars Eriksen, Grandrup, Danmark, 1997), Inger Kirstine Hougaard, f.6.12.1919. Hun blev gift med Christian Albert Klaudi, f.22.10.1919, som var landmand, men gik over i forskellige andre erhverv og udvandrede til Amerika med kone og fem børn:
      Inger blev skilt fra sin mand, men blev ligesom resten af familien boende i Canada. Hun har v ret hjemme på besøg, bl.a. da onkel Johannes døde, ligesom et par af pigerne har været her.

      Inger Kirstine Hougaard, f.6.12.1919. She married Christian Albert Klaudi, f.22.10.1919 who was a farmer, but tried various other professions and emigrated to Canada with his wife and five children:
      Inge divorced from her husband, but like the rest of her family continues living in Canada. She was right at home on visits, including after Uncle Johannes died, a few of their girls have visited Denmark.; Ful-DK, page 2-29, Ful-DK.

    4. [S182] Cemetery Record,, Findagrave Memorial 215217722; Ful-DK, page 2-29a, Ful-__, Various.

    5. [S216] udarbejdet af [Author]: Lars Eriksen, Eriksen Familie Historie - Eriksen Family History, (Publisher: Lars Eriksen, Grandrup, Danmark, 1997), Tante Ottilie blev 36 år gl. gift med den knapt ti år yngre gårdejer Johannes Hougaard, f.20.12.1885. Onkel Johannes var fra Hougaardsminde i V.Hassing, og han og tante Ottilie har utvivlsomt fundet sammen, da han var forkarl i Møllen, som jo var hendes barndomshjem. De havde først en gård i Søraa, "Smørgaarden", men den solgte de, vistnok fordi hun følte sig for langt væk. Så boede de en tid i et hus i V.Hassing, indtil de købte "Kærgaarden" syd for V.Hassing. Der havde de et rart hjem, hvor jeg som dreng var glad for at komme og være sammen med min næsten jævnaldrende kusine Inger, som var deres eneste barn:

      Aunt Ottilie was 36 years old when married to an almost ten year younger farmer Johnnes Hougaard, f.20.12.1885. Uncle Johnnes was from Hougaardminde in V.Hassing, and he and Aunt Ottilie undoubtedly got together when he was a foreman at our home Møllen, which was her childhood home. They first had a farm in Søraa, "Smørgaarden" but they sold it, probably because she felt too far away. So they lived for a time in a house in V.Hassing until they bought "Kærgaarden" south of V.Hassing. There they had a nice home when I was a boy, I was happy to visit my cousin Inger, who was their only child:; Ful-DK, page 2-29, Ful-DK.

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