Sources |
- [S112] Compiler: US Federal & State Census Data, Census data for the Fuller Family, (USA Federal & State, Obtained from Ancestry or NEHGS), Living in Philadelphaia, PA; 3 April 1930; Harold Abbot; Vera G.; Trush F Abbot 9; Olive Abbot 6; Drusilla Fellows; Ful-Sum2, 1930 Census, Ful- Various.
- [S112] Compiler: US Federal & State Census Data, Census data for the Fuller Family, (USA Federal & State, Obtained from Ancestry or NEHGS), Living in Philadelphia, PA; 3 April 1930; Harold Abbot; Vera G.; Trush F Abbot 9; Olive Abbot 6; Drusilla Fellows; Ful-Sum2, 1930 Census, Ful- Various.
- [S182] Cemetery Record,, Findagrave Memorial # 126493728; Online, Ful-__, Various.
- [S171] Compiler: State of Maine, USA, Vital Records, Maine, (Publisher: NEHGS - Online, 99-101 Newbury Street , Boston, MA), Marriage record, Maine; he was 26 and she was 19; Resitration was in E. Livermore; Ful-Sum2, p 33, Ful-various.