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- Thomas Jensen var min morfar. Vi skal i det følgende kapitel høre om hans søskende, ligesom vi naturligvis senere skal høre om hans ægteskab med min mormor. Men det skal allerede her nævnes, at han i 1866 overtog forældrenes øster Laden i Langholt nede ved Limfjorden på det område, hvor nu Nordjyllandsværket ligger. Stuehuset findes endnu, men er også på vej til at blive opslugt af værket. I morfars tid var der mørkt på området ved nattetid, og kaptajnen på den daværende båd mellem København og Aalborg havde derfor en aftale med morfar om, at han skulle stille en lygte ud ved vandet, så båden havde den at styre efter.
Morfar Thomas Jensen, 26.4.1837-13.10.1910
Mormor Laura Kathrine Spliid, 2.12.1849-10.5.1898 blev gift 11.6.1875, da han var 38 og hun 26 år. De fik syv børn, men de har ikke haft det let. Fire af børnene døde som små - to af dem endda næsten samtidig og vistnok af difteritis. Børnene var:
Laurits Bjørn Spliid Jensen, f.31.7.1876, d.25.1.1941
Jens Christian Jensen, f.25.8.1878, d.23.5.1880
Ane Johanne Jensen, f.28.3.1880, d.26.10.1961
Jenny Christine Jensen, f.29.5.1881, d.19.4.1884
Jens Christian Jensen, f.9.11.1883, d.11.4.1884
Johan Christian Jensen, f.16.8.1885, d.14.1.1886
Jens Jensen, f.19.6.1887
Foruden min mor levede således kun brødrene Laurits og Jens. Og .disse tre søskende mistede tilmed deres mor, da de var henholdsvis 21, 18 og 10 år. Hun blev kun 48 år. Morfar kom til at bo det meste af sit liv på Øster Laden, som han flyttede til med sine forældre, da han var 15 år, som han selv overtog, da han var 26, og som var hans hjem, til han døde 73 år gl. i 1910.
- Thomas Jensen was my grandfather. We shall in the following chapter hear about his siblings, and we naturally later hear about his marriage to my grandmother. But it has already been mentioned that in 1866 he took over his parental farm Øster Laden in Langholt down by the fjord in the area where now North Jutland Electrical Plant is located. The farmhouse is still there [1997], but is on its way to being absorbed by the [power] plant. In my grandfather's time it was dark in that area at night, and the captain of the boat, which at that time traveled between Copenhagen and Aalborg, had an agreement with grandfather that he should put a lamp out by the water so the boat had a light to steer by.
Grandfather Thomas Jensen, 26.4.1837-13.10.1910
Grandmother Laura Kathrine Spliid, 2.12.1849-10.5.1898 married June11, 1875, when he was 38 and she 26 years. They had seven children, but they did not have it easy as four of the children died in infancy - two of them nearly at the same time, probably of diphtheria. The children were:
Laurits Bjørn Spliid Jensen,b.31.7.1876 , d.25.1.1941
Jens Christian Jensen, b.25.8.1878 , d.23.5.1880
Ane Johanne Jensen, b.28.3.1880 , d.26.10.1961
Jenny Christine Jensen, b.29.5.1881 , d.19.4.1884
Jens Christian Jensen, b.9.11.1883 , d.11.4.1884
Johan Christian Jensen, b.16.8.1885 , d.14.1.1886
Jens Jensen, b.19.6.1887
In addition to my mother only her brothers Laurits and Jens lived past childhood, and then these three siblings lost their mother when they were 21, 18 and 10. She was only 48 years old when she died. Grandpa lived most of his life on Øster Laden, a farm he had moved to with his parents when he was 15, and which he took over when he was 26, and that became his home until he died in 1910 at the age of 73.