Sources |
- [S112] Compiler: US Federal & State Census Data, Census data for the Fuller Family, (USA Federal & State, Obtained from Ancestry or NEHGS), 1930 Federal Census, age 35, age of first marriage 35, born California, father born MA, Mother born CA, Teacher, Education, High School. Cemetery Records; FUL-PW3, Sec II, Census, 1930, Ful- Various.
- [S180] Compiler: State of California, USA, Vital Records, California, (Publisher:, Sacremento, California), News Paper: Nevada State Journal, Reno, Nevada, Page 4, Sunday August 4, 1929:
"Bert Rodman and Miss Caroll Neil were married, Friday in Sanata Cruz at the home of Rodman's daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Mrs Merle Means. The bride and groom will spen a month's honemoon at Catalina."
Tuesday Aug 6: "Bert Rodman is the manager of the Westwood National Bank at Westwood, CA."; Ful-PW2, page 26, Ful-various.