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- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, His father was a miller at the barn of Belfay, his Godfather was NicolasBOURNOT, and his Godmother was Reine GRAPINET., Gra-Dech.
- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, He was 72 years, widow ofMargueritte THOMAS, witness #1 was NicolasFINOT, grower, 39 years, son, and witness #2 were Didier DECHANAIT, 38years, son-in-law, and Michel FINOT, 45 years, son-in-law.
, Gra-Dech.
- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, Groom was 27 years old, witness #1 was Nicolle GUILLAUME, mother, andwitness #2 were Jean GUILLAUME, uncle, blacksmith, and FrançoisHUMBELOT, uncle, ploughman. Bride was 25 years old, witness #1 was MaryeSILVESTRE, mother, and witness #2 were Claude JACQUOT ,father-in-law,and Thomas LEFEBURE, procuror & solicitor.
, Gra-Dech.
- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, Grooms witness #1 was Michel FINOT, father, and witness #2 were ClaudeMONTAU (signed MOTOT), his brother-in-law, and Nicolas MATHIEU, cousin.Bride was at the parish of Montigny-le-Roi, her witness #1 was FrançoisROGIER, tutor, and witness #2 were Pierre MARTIN, guardian, and PierreBARBIER, cousin.
, Gra-Dech.