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- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, Gra-Dech.
- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, Groom's parents were deceased, his father had been a ploughman atMarcilly, witness #1 was Jacque BRESSENOT, and witness #2 was NicolasREGNIER, syndic at Andilly [If understand, he was the chief of thecommunity inside at a corporation]. Bride's father was a deceasedploughman, witness #1 was Anthoine QUENOT, uncle, and witness #2 wereJean NORMAND, uncle, and Didier RICHARD at Marcilly., Gra-Dech.