Our FULLER Ancestors

Else Marie Sørensen

Else Marie Sørensen

Female 1866 - 1946  (79 years)

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  • Name Else Marie Sørensen  [1
    Birth 20 Jan 1866  Lindholm, Nørresundby, Lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Gender Female 
    Name Abt 1888  [3
    Else Marie Eriksen 
    Reference Number 98 
    Reference Number Ful-DK 
    Death 10 Jan 1946  Hjørring, Hjørring Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    Burial Kirkegård, Hjørring, Hjørring Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Person ID I98  fullereriksen
    Last Modified 19 Jan 2022 

    Father Lars Nørgaard Sørensen,   b. 13 Dec 1832, Lindholm, Lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 28 Oct 1903, Lindholm, Lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years) 
    Mother Mette Marie Nielsdatter,   b. 17 Jul 1840, Lindholm, Lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 20 Nov 1920, Lindholm, Lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years) 
    Marriage 18 Nov 1862  Hvorup Kirke, Hvorup Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Family ID F70  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Anders Eriksen,   b. 13 Dec 1863, Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 30 Nov 1927, Hjørring, Hjørring Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 63 years) 
    Marriage 27 Oct 1887  Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location  [6, 7
    • Groom: Anders Jensen
      Bride: Else Marie Sørensen
     1. Jens Cajus Eriksen,   b. 22 Apr 1889, Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 12 Jun 1952, Aalborg, Aalborg Vor Frue Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 63 years)
    +2. Ingrid Kristine Eriksen,   b. 27 Feb 1892, Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 24 May 1952, Hjørring, Hjørring Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 60 years)
     3. Anna Marie Larsine Eriksen,   b. 22 May 1893, Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location
    +4. Elisabeth Margrethe Eriksen,   b. 08 Oct 1894, Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 06 Dec 1974, Aalborg, Aalborg Vor Frue Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years)
     5. Lorenz Jacobsen Eriksen,   b. 25 Jul 1897, Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Aug 1979, USA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 82 years)
     6. Ellen Petrine Eriksen,   b. 07 Nov 1901, Villerup, Skallerup Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location
     7. Carl Kristian Eriksen,   b. 08 Dec 1902, Villerup, Skallerup Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 17 Aug 1904, Villerup, Skallerup Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 1 year)
     8. Jenny Margrethe Eriksen,   b. 08 Oct 1906, Villerup, Skallerup Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID F69  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 5 Jul 2024 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 20 Jan 1866 - Lindholm, Nørresundby, Lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 27 Oct 1887 - Nørresundby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt, Danmark Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 10 Jan 1946 - Hjørring, Hjørring Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - - Kirkegård, Hjørring, Hjørring Sogn, Hjørring Amt, Danmark Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Photos
    Eriksen, Anders i Villerup, Skallerup, Hjørring, DK
    Eriksen, Anders i Villerup, Skallerup, Hjørring, DK
    1. Jens Cajus Eriksen 2. - 8. karlene [farm workers]
    9. Ingrid Eriksen 10. Anna Eriksen 11. - 12. pigerne [house maids]
    13. Elisabeth Margrethe Eriksen 14. Ellen Eriksen 15. Else Marie Sørensen Eriksen 16. Anders Eriksen
    Nørgaard, lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Ampt
    Nørgaard, lindholm Sogn, Aalborg Ampt
    Kirkens optegnelser viser, at i 1905 ændrede familien deres efternavn fra Sørensen til Nørgaard (som hedder gården).

    The church records show that in 1905 the family changed their last name from Sørensen to Nørgaard (which was the name of the farm).
    Eriksen, Anders i Villerup, Skallerup, Hjørring, DK
    Eriksen, Anders i Villerup, Skallerup, Hjørring, DK
    Skrevet på bagsiden af Villerup billedet - Written on the back of the Villerup picture

    1. Jens Cajus Eriksen
    2. Jens Villassen [gårdarbejder - farm worker]
    3. Jens Sevrrin Jensen [gårdarbejder - farm worker]
    4. Per Krogh [gårdarbejder - farm worker]
    5. Jens Chr. Andersen [gårdarbejder - farm worker]
    6. Jens Nedergaard [gårdarbejder - farm worker]
    7. Søren Forkarlen [2nd Carlen - 2nd farm worker]
    8. Niels Kjeldsen [2nd Carlen – 2nd farm worker]
    9. Ingrid Eriksen
    10. Anna Eriksen
    11. Karen Degner [Vore to unge piger - Our two young girls]
    12. Kristiane Mikaelsen [Vore to unge piger - Our two young girls]
    13. *Elisabeth Margrethe Eriksen
    14. Ellen Eriksen
    15. Mor [Else Marie Sørensen Eriksen] og
    16. Far (mit Plet) [Anders Eriksen]

    * Håndskrift af Elizabeth.

    * Handwriting of Elizabeth.

    Fra haven paa Villerup [gårdens navn] ca. 1905 -Jasminen og Nasturtium blomster, lvormed en del af selskabet lar dekorenet sig.

    [Picture taken] in the garden at Villerup [name of their farm] ca. 1905 -Jasmine and Nasturtium flowers formed a frame around the group.

    Gamle Severin var Røgter, gennem lele Farsbid paa Villerup og fulgte med os til Aldershoj [navn på deres lille gård tæt på Hjørring] og blev till sin død.

    Old Severin was in charge of the cows throughout Dad's time on Villerup, and came with us to Aldershoj [name of their small farm near Hjørring] until his death.

    Eriksen, Anders and wife Else Marie Sørensen
    Eriksen, Anders and wife Else Marie Sørensen
    ALDERSHØJ (Name of his last farm in Hjørring)
    *13.12.1863 +30.11.1927
    *20.1.1866 +10.11.1946

    Plot: Family Plot
    Eriksen, Anders Family Plot
    Eriksen, Anders Family Plot
    Kirkegaard, Hjørring

    Cemetery in Hjørring

  • Sources 
    1. [S218] ved Familie Jørgensen, Stamtræsdata med kilder - Jørgensen, (2011-2015), Den dåbsattest af hendes datter, Elizabeth Margrethe, viser moderens navn som Else Marie Sørensen.

      The baptism certificate of her daughter, Elizabeth Margrethe, shows the mother's name as Else Marie Sørensen.; Ful-DK, page 3-6b, 6d, Various.

    2. [S218] ved Familie Jørgensen, Stamtræsdata med kilder - Jørgensen, (2011-2015), fra kirken bogen (info from the church book); Ful-DK, page 3-2b/6b2, Various.

    3. [S218] ved Familie Jørgensen, Stamtræsdata med kilder - Jørgensen, (2011-2015), Ful-DK, page 3-6b, Various.

    4. [S218] ved Familie Jørgensen, Stamtræsdata med kilder - Jørgensen, (2011-2015), Gravsen: Anders Eriksen Aldershø; 13.12.1963 - 30.11.1937; Og Hustru: Else Marie Eriksen; 20.1.1866 - 10.1.1946; Ful-DK, page 3-8, Various.

    5. [S218] ved Familie Jørgensen, Stamtræsdata med kilder - Jørgensen, (2011-2015), fra kirken bogen (info taken from the church book); Ful-DK, page 3-2a, Various.

    6. [S218] ved Familie Jørgensen, Stamtræsdata med kilder - Jørgensen, (2011-2015), Ful-DK, p 3-6b1, Various.

    7. [S140] Compiler: Compiled from Church or Private or State Records, Vital Records, (Publisher: NEHGS,, Boston, MA), Denmark, Church Records – 1812-1918
      Date of Marriage: 1887, 27 October
      Marriage Place: Nørresunby, Nørresundby Sogn, Aalborg Amt
      Groom: Bachelor, Farm owner Anders Jensen from Voebjerg. Born 13 December 1863, Nørresunby, Baptised 10 July 1864, Confirmation 14 April 1878, same place.
      Bride: Maid, Else Marie Sørensen from Lindholm born 20 January 1866, Lindholm, Baptized in Nørresunby church, 24 June the same year, Confirmation, 4 April 1880, same church
      Witnesses: Farm owner Lars Sørensen (Nørgaard, of Lindholm - Bride’s Father): and Lawyer, O. Neumann, Nørresunby
      Annotation: Wedding instruction by the Pastor at the church began: 2 October, 1887

      NOTE: The above translation is as it appears in the Original Church record. Anders Eriksen had the name Anders Jensen at the time of this marriage. We know that he legally changed to Anders Eriksen in 1905.; Ful-DK, p 3-8a, Ful-various.
      Online Danish Vital Records

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