Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
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Dechanet, Dorothea Lucy Grave Marker |
Located | Dorothea Lucy "Dora" Déchanet (d. 30 Jul 1948)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Fuller, Zilpha (Buckman) Zilpha died 2 June 1901 and was originally buried 4 June 1901 by the City of St. Paul in Block 13, Part A, Grave 237. She was moved 2 August 1913, by her son Myron Fuller, to: Block 17, Plot 1, Lot 31, grave 1. |
Located | Block 17, Plot 1, Lot 31, Grave 1 | Zilpha Perkins "Polly" Buckman (d. 02 Jun 1901)
Fuller, Zilpha (Buckman) Area View of Zilpha Fuller's Grave |
Located | Block 17, Plat 1, Lot 31, Grave 1 | Zilpha Perkins "Polly" Buckman (d. 02 Jun 1901)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Dulac, Wallace and Myrtle (Walrod) DULAC FATHER WALLACE A. 1879-1945 MOTHER MYRTLE R. 1881-1944 |
Located | Wallace Aaron Dulac (d. 12 Dec 1945)
Myrtle Rebecca Walrod (d. 21 Apr 1944) |
Faribault, Alexander ALEXANDER FARIBAULT BORN Prairie du Chien June 22, 1806 DIED Nov. 28, 1882 MOTHER Piligle Faribault FATHER Jean Baptiste MARRIED Elizabeth Graham 1825 CHILDREN George H. Agnes Emily Daniel Katherine Phillip Julia Nathalie William R. Alexander Leon By Gen. Shields Assembly K.C.'S |
Located | Faribault Plot | Agnes Faribault (d. 16 Oct 1852)
Alexander Faribault (d. 28 Nov 1882) Alexander Leon Faribault (d. 21 Jul 1917) Catherine Elizabeth Faribault (d. 30 Sep 1879) Daniel Frederick Faribault (d. May 1913) Emilie Raine Faribault (d. Nov 1876) George Henry Faribault (d. 14 Aug 1890) Jean Baptiste Faribault (d. 20 Aug 1860) Julie "Julia" Antoinette Faribault (d. 11 Jan 1888) Natalie Adelaide Faribault (d. 06 Mar 1848) Philippe Faribault (d. 13 Feb 1840) William Richard Faribault (d. 12 Jan 1935) Marie Elizabeth Graham (d. 08 Apr 1876) Pelagie Hanse-Ainse (d. 19 Jun 1847) |
Faribault, George Henry
Calvary Cemetery, Faribault, Rice, Minnesota, USA GEORGE H FARIBAULT BORN SEPT. 20, 1826 DIED AUG. 14, 1890 Requiescat in Pace [Latin for Rest in Peace] |
Located | Faribault Plot | George Henry Faribault (d. 14 Aug 1890)
Euphrosine 'Frezine' St. Antoine (d. Aft 1898) |
Faribault, Mary Elizabeth Graham Wife of ALEX. FARIBAULT BORN at Saulk Rapids Minn. July 15, 1804 DIED at Elizabeth City Ottertail Co. Minn. Apr. 9, 1875 |
Located | Faribault Plot | Marie Elizabeth Graham (d. 08 Apr 1876)
Forbes, Agnes (Faribault) Agnes Faribault Died Oct 16, 1862 AGED 23 Yrs and 5Mns |
Located | Faribault Plot | Agnes Faribault (d. 16 Oct 1852)
Forbes, Agnes (Faribault) AGNES FARIBAULT DIED Oct. 16, 1862 AGED 23 Yrs - 5 Mns |
Located | Faribault Plot | Agnes Faribault (d. 16 Oct 1852)
Graham, Duncan and wife Susanna Captain Duncan Graham and his wife Susanna were buried in this plot. The markers had disappeared at the time of this picture (2008) |
Located | Faribault Plot | Duncan Graham (d. 05 Dec 1847)
Susanne Istagiwin Hazahotawin Pennishon (d. 02 Mar 1848) |
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Fuller, Nackey Grave Marker #545 |
Located | 545 S-17 R2 | Nackey Ardell Fuller (d. 03 Apr 1941)
Fuller, Nackey Faribault Regional Center East Cemetery |
Located | 545 S-17 R-2 | Nackey Ardell Fuller (d. 03 Apr 1941)
Fuller, Nackey Location of Grave 545 S-17 R2 |
Located | 545 S-17 R2 | Nackey Ardell Fuller (d. 03 Apr 1941)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Fuller, Family Cemetery Plot Pulaski Woodman Fuller (1823-1897)- son of Sumner Fuller George S. Fuller (1825-1884)- son of Sumner Fuller George A. Fuller (1884-1879)- son of George S. Fuller |
Located | Fuller Family Plot | George A Fuller (d. 05 May 1879)
George S. Fuller (d. 21 Apr 1884) Pulaski "Woodman" Fuller (d. 24 Jan 1897) |
Fuller, George A.
Son of George S. Fuller In Memory of Geo. A. Fuller DIED May 5, 1829(should read 1879) AGED 25 Years Gone but Not Forgotten |
Located | Fuller Family Plot | George A Fuller (d. 05 May 1879)
Fuller, George A. FULLER 1854-1879 |
Located | Fuller Family Plot | George A Fuller (d. 05 May 1879)
Fuller, George S. G.S.FULLER CO. G 19TH ME. INF. |
Located | Fuller Family Plot | George S. Fuller (d. 21 Apr 1884)
Fuller, Pulaski Woodman CORP'L P.W. Fuller CO.E 6TH OHIO INF. |
Located | Fuller Family Plot | Pulaski "Woodman" Fuller (d. 24 Jan 1897)
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Tufts, Mary "Anna" (Fuller) MARY ANNA TUFTS SEPT. 2 1857 JAN. 14, 1920 |
Located | Evergreen | Mary Ann "Anna" Fuller (d. 14 Jan 1920)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Buisson, Alice "Allie" May ALLIE MAY DAU. OF J. & M.E. BUISSON DIED OCT. 20, 1883 AGED 5y, 7ms, 22ds. |
Located | Block 24 | Alice "Allie" May Buisson (d. 29 Oct 1883)
Buisson, Clara Louise CLARA L. BELOVED DAU. OF J.& M. BUISSON, AUG, 17, 1872, MAY 24, 1894. |
Located | Block 24 | Clara Louise Buisson (d. 24 May 1894)
Buisson, Joseph Jr. (River Pilot) JOSEPH BUISSON FEB 17 1852 OCT 29 1918 |
Located | Block 24, Lot 1,3 | Joseph "Joe" (Captain) Buisson, Jr. (d. 29 Oct 1918)
Buisson, Joseph Jr. - Family Plot Riverview Cemetery Records show the following interment dates: Captain Joseph Buisson, 1 Nov 1918; Undertaker J.L.Gingnage. Nearest Relative Etta Buisson (Daughter) Wife; Mary Elizabeth (Stevens), 22 Mar 1934 [NO STONE] |
Located | Block 24, Plot 1 & 2 | Alice "Allie" May Buisson (d. 29 Oct 1883)
Alma G. Buisson (d. 1970) Angelina "Etta" Buisson (d. 11 Feb 1950) Clara Louise Buisson (d. 24 May 1894) Joseph "Joe" (Captain) Buisson, Jr. (d. 29 Oct 1918) Mary E O'Conor (d. 14 May 1950) William Edward Putnam (d. 1951) Mary Elizabeth Stevens (d. 20 Mar 1934) |
Buisson, Mary E. (O'Conor) MARY E. BUISSON 1880 - 1950 [wife of Daniel Buisson] |
Located | Block 24 | Mary E O'Conor (d. 14 May 1950)
Cratte, Alta Mary ALTA M. CRATTE APR. 5, 1910 APR. 20, 1919 |
Located | Block 12, Plot 2 | Alta May Cratte (d. 20 Apr 1919)
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Cratte, David & Eliza Jane (Harrell) CRATTE ELIZA 1839 1900 DAVID 1836 1919 |
Located | Block 6, Lot 19 | David Cratte (d. 29 Mar 1919)
Eliza Jane Harrell (d. 05 Mar 1900) |
Cratte, David - Family Plot Riverview Cemetery Records show the following interments: David Cratte and his Wife Eliza Their two younger children, Edward and Nancy Cratte Two grandchildren (children of Alfred), William and Camilin Cratte (no marker) Arthur H. Cratte, [we have not identified this person] (no marker) |
Located | Block 6, Lot 19 | Camalia Cratte (d. 13 Sep 1883)
David Cratte (d. 29 Mar 1919) Edward David Cratte (d. 25 Sep 1885) Nancy Jane Cratte (d. 29 Jan 1889) William Cratte (d. 05 Jan 1884) Eliza Jane Harrell (d. 05 Mar 1900) |
Cratte, Edward David & Nancy Jane (sister) CRATTE EDWARD 1859 1885 NANCY 1873 1887 [s/b1889] |
Located | Block 6, Lot 19 | Edward David Cratte (d. 25 Sep 1885)
Nancy Jane Cratte (d. 29 Jan 1889) |
Cratte, Mary Emeline (Chadwick)
MARY E. CRATTE JAN. 26, 1869 JULY 2, 1950 |
Located | Block 12, Lot 2 | Mary Emeline Chadwick (d. 02 Jul 1950)
Cratte, William T. - Family Plot Riverview Cemetery shows the following interments: William Tecumseh Fuller and his wife Mary E. Chadwick. Their Children Alta May Cratte William Walter Cratte Jr. |
Located | Block 12, Lot 2 | Mary Emeline Chadwick (d. 02 Jul 1950)
Alta May Cratte (d. 20 Apr 1919) William Tecumseh Cratte, Sr. (d. 01 Mar 1919) William Walter Cratte, Jr. (d. 30 Jan 1973) |
Cratte, William Tecumseh Sr. WM T. CRATTE MAR. 29 1865 MAR. 1 1919 |
Located | Block 12, Lot 2 | William Tecumseh Cratte, Sr. (d. 01 Mar 1919)
Cratte, William Walter Jr. WILLIAM CRATTE JUNE 25, 1903 JAN. 30, 1973 |
Located | Block 12, Lot 2 | William Walter Cratte, Jr. (d. 30 Jan 1973)
Fuller, Ethel B. ETHEL B. FULLER 1906-1972 |
Located | Block 24, Lot 9 | Ethel B. Fuller (d. 30 Nov 1972)
Fuller, Henry T. Family Plot ULLER HENRY T. 1855-1948 MATILDA F. 1865-1937 The Riverview Cemetery Records Show the Following Interments (death date) Henry T.(d. 6 Dec 1948) & his wife Matilda (-) Their Children: Ethel B. (d.25 Nov 1972) John H. (d.22 July 1962) John Arnold (d.1 April 1962) [we have not identified this person] His Father: Timothy Fuller - Civil War Vet. Note: His Mother (Scholastique Cratte) d. 1875 and is buried in St. Felix Cemetery |
Located | Block 24, Lot 9 | Matilda Behrens (d. 21 Jan 1937)
Scholastique Josephine Cratte (d. 30 Mar 1875) Ethel B. Fuller (d. 30 Nov 1972) Henry Timothy Fuller (d. 06 Dec 1948) John H. Fuller (d. 22 Jul 1962) Timothy "Matt" Fuller (d. 1901) |
Fuller, Henry Timothy (not a descendant of John Fuller of Newton) TIMOTHY 1855-1948 FATHER |
Located | Block 24, Lot 9 | Henry Timothy Fuller (d. 06 Dec 1948)
Fuller, Matilda (Behrens - Burns) MATILDA 1865-1937 MOTHER |
Located | Block 24, Lot 9 | Matilda Behrens (d. 21 Jan 1937)
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Fuller, Timothy (not a descendant of John Fuller of Newton) SGT. TIMOTHY FULLER CO. G 5TH MINN. INF |
Located | Block 24, Lot 9 | Timothy "Matt" Fuller (d. 1901)
Putnam, Alma (Buisson) ALMA BUISSON PUTNAM 1889 - 1970 |
Located | Block 24, Plot 1 & 2 | Alma G. Buisson (d. 1970)
Putnam, William Edward WILLIAM E. PUTNAM 1879 - 1971 [Husband of Alma Buisson] |
Located | Block 24 | William Edward Putnam (d. 1951)
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Buisson, Cyprien CYPRIAN 1849-1920 |
Located | Section G Plot 46 | Cyprien "Cyp" Buisson (d. 24 Nov 1920)
Buisson, Elizabeth (Stone) ELIZABETH S. WIFE OF C. BUISSON 1857-1906 |
Located | Section G, Plot 46 | Elizabeth Stone (d. 17 Nov 1906)
Buisson, Emily (Lariviere)
Cemetery Records show her as 'Emma' We cannot read this stone, however Emily was the wife of Henry and within the Buisson Section G, Henry has Plot 28 where his family is buried, and Emily is the only one on the Cemetery List without a stone. Perhaps this is the base of the original stone. |
Unmarked | Section G, Plot 28 | Emily Lariviere (d. 30 Jan 1914)
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Buisson, Henry HENRY BUISSON CO. C. S. MINN. INF. |
Located | Section G, Plot 34 | Henry Buisson (d. 26 Jun 1905)
Buisson, Joseph Sr. JOSEPH 1807-1857 |
Located | Section G, Plot 40 | Joseph Buisson, Sr. (d. 10 Oct 1857)
Buisson, Joseph Sr. - Family Plot OFFICIAL INTERMENTS per the St. Felix Church Books 1. Nancy [Lucy] Buisson d. Sept 26, bur. Sept 29, 1888; b. Mendota; age 83 yrs; of old age; Priest, J. Healy; bur. St. Felix 2. Elizabeth Buisson d. Nov 17, bur. Nov 20, 1906; b. Prairie du Chien; age 49 yrs; Priest: Max Wurst; bur. St. Felix 3. Emily Buisson d. Jan 30, bur. Feb 4, 1914; b. Prairie du Chien Wis; age 70 years; died suddenly; Piest: Max Wurst; bur. St. Felix 4. Cyprian Buisson d. 24, bur. 26, 1920: b. Canada; age 82 yr; of Cancer in St Paul; Priest: J.N. Bartholine; bur. St. Felix OFFICIAL INTERMENTS per the St. Felix Cemetery Records 1. Buisson, Joseph [Sr.] d. 10 Oct 1857, Section G, Plot 40 2. Buisson, Louis Henry d. 1862, Section G, Plot 28 3. Buisson, Henry d. 26 Jun 1905, Section G, Plot 28 4. Buisson, George E. b. 1833, d. 7 Dec 1902, Unknown Plot; Person Not Identified |
Located | Section G. Plot 29-46 | Cyprien "Cyp" Buisson (d. 24 Nov 1920)
Henry Buisson (d. 26 Jun 1905) Joseph Buisson, Sr. (d. 10 Oct 1857) Louis Henry Buisson (d. 04 Jul 1862) Lucy Nancy Graham (d. 26 Sep 1888) Emily Lariviere (d. 30 Jan 1914) Elizabeth Stone (d. 17 Nov 1906) |
Buisson, Louis Henry LOUIS HENRY BUISSON BORN SEPT. 15, 1860 DIED JULY 4, 1862 |
Located | Section G, Plot 28 | Louis Henry Buisson (d. 04 Jul 1862)
Buisson, Lucy Nancy (Graham) LUCY M WIFE OF J. BUISSON 1807-1888 |
Located | Section G, Plot 40 | Lucy Nancy Graham (d. 26 Sep 1888)
Cratte, Amelia - Daughter of Daniel and Sophia AMELIA CRATTE Mar. 25, 1904 Mar. 24, 1913 |
Located | Section B, Plot 52 | Sophia "Hattie" Bernier (d. 21 Jun 1946)
Daniel E. Cratte (d. 19 Jun 1930) Dora "Amilia" Cratte (d. 24 Mar 1913) |
Cratte, Daniel Family Plot OFFICIAL Interments per the St. Felix Church & Cemetery Records 1. Daniel Cratte, d. June, 19, bur. June 21, 1930; b. Wabasha, at 93 yrs, of Old Age, Priest: John M. Bartholome, bur. St. Felix Cemetery. 2. Amelia Cratte, b. 25 Apr. 1904, d. 24 Mar. 1913 3. Son Cratte, d. 27 Mar. 1913 [only son is George] |
Located | Section B, Plot 52 | Sophia "Hattie" Bernier (d. 21 Jun 1946)
Daniel E. Cratte (d. 19 Jun 1930) Dora "Amilia" Cratte (d. 24 Mar 1913) George Cratte (d. 27 Mar 1913) |
Cratte, Daniel or his son George We could not read an inscription, however we know from the St. Felix Cemetery Records that both Daniel and George are buried in this family plot. There is only one stone between the two known stones. Perhaps both names were on this stone. |
Located | Section B, Plot 52 | Daniel E. Cratte (d. 19 Jun 1930)
George Cratte (d. 27 Mar 1913) |
Cratte, Oliver, Family Plot OFFICIAL INTERMENTS per the St. Felix Church Books 1. Olivier Crête (Cratte); d. 22 April, bur. 24 April,1884; b. Canada; aged 84.5yrs; of old age; Priest: James Trobec, Bur: St. Felix - was prepared. 2. Mrs. Oliver Cratte (Harriet 'Jenny' Campbell) - 3rd wife; d. 6 April, bur. 8 April, 1901; b. Mendota, MN; aged 78 yrs; Priest: Max Wurst - received Sacraments. 3. Mary Crête(Cratte)d.13 May, bur. 14 May, 1873, b. Wabasha, aged 14yrs, d. Typhoid fever, Priest: James Trobec. 4. Frank Crête(Cratte)d. 5 Dec, bur. 7 Dec, 1873, b. Wabasha, aged 25 yrs, of Spinal Disease, Preist: James Trobec. 5. [Charles] William Crête(Cratte)d.11 May, bur.,13 May, 1881, b. Wabasha, aged 21 yrs, of Consumption, Preist: James Trobec - was Prepared. OFFICIAL INTERMENTS per St. Felix Cemetery Records (those we can identify) 1. Cratte Sarah [Graham-first wife]; Cemetery Code* 1841; Section F, Plot 9 2. Cratte, George - [no dates listed]; Section F, Plot 9 3. Cratte, Oliver b. 1847 d. 3 April 1927; Section F, Plot 9 4. Cratte, Theresa [2nd wife]; Cemetery Code* 1841; Section F, Plot 9 5. Cratte, Jenny or Jane [3rd wife]; Cemetery Code* 1841, Section F, Plot 9 6. Cratte, [Charles] William b. 1860 d. 11 May 1881, Section F, Plot 9 7. Fuller, Scolastic (Cratte) died 30 March 1875, bur. 1 April 1875, per St Felix Church and Cemetery Records, no Section/Plot given. Her husband T Fuller is buried in Riverview. * Perhaps 'Wife' OFFICIAL INTERMENTS per St. Felix Cemetery Records (those we can Not identify) 1. Cratte, Daughter b. Jan 1892, d. 18 Feb 1893; Section F, Plot 9 2. Cratte, Illegible [no dates]; Section F, Plot 9 4. Cratte, Taylor [no dates]; Section F, Plot 9 |
Located | Section F, Lot 9 | Harriet Jane "Jennie" Campbell (d. 05 Apr 1901)
Charles "William" Cratte (d. 10 May 1881) Francois "Frank" Cratte (d. 05 Nov 1873) George Edward Cratte (d. Bef 1870) Mary Cratte (d. 15 Apr 1873) Olivier Cratte, Jr. (d. 03 Apr 1927) Scholastique Josephine Cratte (d. 30 Mar 1875) Etienne Olivier "Oliver" Crête, (Cratte) Sr. (d. 22 Apr 1884) Sarah Marie Graham (d. Abt 1841) Teresa Rocque (d. Abt 1844) |
Déchanet, Alfred, Family Plot, Section J Plot 49 OFFICIAL INTERMENTS per St. Felix Church Books 1. Alfred Dechenet, d. 7 Nov, bur. 9 Nov, 1916, b. Paris France, at age 76 years, 8 months, of general debility, Priest: Max Wurst. 2. Elizabeth [Isabel] Dechent, d. 24 July, bur. 26 July, 1885, b. Wabasha, at age 47 yrs, of Consumption, Priest: James Trobec. 3. Sebastian Dechanet, d. 22 Aug, bur., 23 Aug, 1881, b. Wabasha, at age 4 1/2 yrs, of Typhoid fever, Priest: James Trobec. 4. Ralph Dechenet, d. 2 May, bur., 5 May, 1909, b. Wabasha, at age 29 yrs, of phthisis pulmonary, Priest: Max Wurst. OFFICIAL INTERMENTS per St. Felix Cemetery Records 1. Infant Dechenet, d. 28 Sept 1882 [assumed to be Charles] |
Unmarked | Section J, Plot 49 | Isabelle Elizabeth Cratte (d. 24 Jul 1885)
Charles Déchanet (d. 28 Sep 1882) Joseph "Sebastian" Déchanet (d. 22 Aug 1881) Pierre "Alfred" Déchanet (d. 07 Nov 1916) Ralph Déchanet (d. 02 May 1909) |
Déchanet, Isabelle E. ISABEL Wife of A. DECHANET Died July 24, 1885 Aged 47 Years [Bottom] DECHANET |
Located | Section J, Plot 49 | Isabelle Elizabeth Cratte (d. 24 Jul 1885)
Lariviere, Harriet (Buisson) HARRIET BORN OCT. 16, 1836 DIED MAR. 24, 1878 |
Located | Section J, Plot 159 | Hariette "Harriet" Buisson (d. 24 Mar 1878)
Peter Henry I Lariviere (d. 02 Mar 1897) |
Lariviere, Peter PETER BORN FEB, 15, 1826 DIED MAR. 4, 1897 |
Located | Section J, Plot 159 | Hariette "Harriet" Buisson (d. 24 Mar 1878)
Peter Henry I Lariviere (d. 02 Mar 1897) |
Lariviere, Peter and Harriet Family Plot LARIVIERE [The following 'Lariviere' family are buried in this plot per cemetery records:] Alice d. 1889, Catherine d. 1902, George d. 1888, Harriet d. 1878, Joseph d. 1889, Marshal d. 1889, Peter d. 1897, William d. 1861 |
Located | Section J, Plot 159 | Hariette "Harriet" Buisson (d. 24 Mar 1878)
Catherine Monica Lariviere (d. 19 Sep 1902) Peter Henry I Lariviere (d. 02 Mar 1897) William Walter Lariviere (d. 15 Aug 1861) |
Lariviere, Peter H Peter H Lariviere 1858 - 1895 |
Located | Section F, Plot 82 | Peter Henry II Lariviere (d. 28 Nov 1895)
Witzleben, Ewald and Agnus (Lariviere) WITZLEBEN |
Located | Section J, Plot 158 | Agnes Virginia Lariviere (d. 03 Oct 1914)
Ewald Camillus Witzleben (d. 21 Aug 1938) |