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- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, She was 85 years, widow in second wedding of Noël MOULIERON (MOUILLERON),she died in the house of her son, witness #1 was Pierre MOULIERON, son,witness #2 was Nicolas BLANCHOT, ploughman. note: when PierreMOUILLERON was married in 29 april 1692 it's indicate "Nicolas BALANbrother".
, Gra-Dech.
- [S100] les actes de l'état-civil (Vital Records) Haute-Marne FR, She was 85 years, widow in second wedding of Noël MOULIERON (MOUILLERON),she died in the house of her son, witness #1 was Pierre MOULIERON, son,witness #2 was Nicolas BLANCHOT, ploughman. note: when PierreMOUILLERON was married in 29 april 1692 it's indicate "Nicolas BALANbrother"., Gra-Dech.